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03/23/20 12:45 AM

#219756 RE: markjohn62 #219755

Mark, life goes on. People evolve. Maybe BIEL could set a positive example for the world by being the only group with the guts to raise the flag and show some guts.


03/23/20 2:12 PM

#219784 RE: markjohn62 #219755

>>>It's just a shame that if it happens it will be during a worldwide meltdown.<<<

Not so sure that if we do announce some great news right now during this stock market downturn, that it will be so bad, MJ. There is A LOT of money on the sidelines right now that has been pulled out of many an investment account. Makes for many potential buyers. Maybe, if PR'd loud and clear we will open up some eyes looking to get back in, with all the cash they have sitting in their brokerage accounts. Especially when they see the price to buy (.000). Who knows?