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03/15/20 11:14 AM

#252563 RE: amarinbullfromchicago #252557

ambul@ Just saw Anthony Fauci on Fox. Worth seeing :) (twitter link)


03/15/20 5:55 PM

#252673 RE: amarinbullfromchicago #252557

The big risk is the overburdening of our medical system.

Gotta concentrate on what matters. My circle of friends WILL get exposed and some will have a full blown case and those my age and with compromised health may perish. I expect to try to postpone that as long as possible. Less stress on the medical system, greater success in preventing premature death. I'd just as soon my friends stuck around.

You could float the proposition that this virus is a boon to the retirement system; eliminating the elderly, leaving more funds in place and a better young earners/geezers drawing a payout participant relationship. You could further make the case that the most susceptible are the very elderly, long retired, and taking the least and most likely to stop drawing payments soon. In such a case the results may not do what you hoped.

Or you could find it somewhat ghoulish, like arguing whether the cost of 6 months of longer life slowly fading in place, is a greater cost burden than 6 weeks of life ending in an ambulance ride to the ER for a sick cyanotic suffocating geezer and which should we favor.

I ain't that bored as to play with these concepts. I'm planning on doing the right thing and stretching out the incidence of the infections in time. Intellectual exercises over whether COVID virus deaths are more or less significant or impactful if they are associated with an imminent entropic death, smack of "Are we standing in God's way if we expend resources fighting the inevitable" questions.