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03/14/20 11:38 PM

#271103 RE: Umibe5690 #271087

I agree, unless by that time a major change occurs in the treatment of the disease. If something greatly lowered the risk to somewhere more in line with normal flu, we could go ahead, likewise if it dies out as we go into Summer. If I remember correctly baseball put things off a few weeks to see what's happening, I suspect they'll put it off much further, and no doubt cut the number of games in the season if it ever starts.

I certainly hope that by football season we have this under control, as a Ram's fan I hope they're able to complete the stadium under these circumstances. I like the Charger's too, but grew up with the Ram's until they moved out of L.A.

I believe if we truly go to all stop, this will go beyond recession right into depression, as so many people will be out of work, and those who're working, or receiving pension income, etc. will have few places to spend their money. My wife doesn't want to eat out even at places where few are dining and we can be well separated from others. I will probably shop much more on line. My point is, if vaccine isn't available for a year or more and treatment doesn't improve, unless the Govt. simply pays people for not working, and businesses for remaining closed, many businesses will be out of business, and many people will be out of their homes, and I'm speaking of all over the world, not just the U.S.

I'm watching a report on how the Chinese Govt. originally punished those who discovered the outbreak, and assured the media it wasn't spread between people. The time that was lost cost them the ability to contain the virus.

We could have slowed it had we prepared when we first learned of it, but trusting the Chinese, as Trump does, it was well established here before any action at all was taken, and without testing kits no one really has any idea how many here have it. Certainly it's no where near as bad as China, Italy, South Korea, etc. but we really don't know how bad it is as people don't know if they have a cold, seasonal flu, or coronavirus. Even with testing, if you test negative, it's just a snapshot, a few days later it could be a positive, and that would be well before you have any symptoms.

In my treatment for ALL I learned how fast things could change. Two weeks before I was diagnosed I had blood tests that were perfect, in fact they were almost ready to begin treatment for AML when they made the determination that it was PH+ ALL. In a few days my life changed dramatically.

The spread of coronavirus is no doubt worse in cities then on farms or ranches where people aren't in such close contact. Hopefully our food supply won't be badly effected, but if it should be, it could rapidly become a serious problem.
