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03/10/20 10:42 AM

#118239 RE: Another Casualty #118238

I agree with what you say. I will repost my post from FB here. That is my concern.

President Trump's reelection hopes pin on his response to the corona virus this week.

There are additional measures that need to be taken across the country right now. It seems the president wants to maintain an image of the U.S., that we have the outbreak under control due to our fast acting preventative measures taken weeks ago.

The president may continue to take his word, to the American public, personally. You know how he can dig in his heals and stay firm in his convictions. If he orders additional safety precaution measures, it may appear that he has not responding quickly enough, and that his initial impression of the seriousness of the threat to the U.S. was mistaken.


03/10/20 10:48 AM

#118240 RE: Another Casualty #118238

Trump and the Pandemic


The virus can’t be bluffed or bullied and will soon become his greatest adversary.

The coronavirus pandemic is the greatest challenge Donald Trump has ever faced. As stock markets fall and patient numbers rise, the epidemic threatens the lives of some Americans and the prosperity of all—and it has already begun to disrupt the political methods that brought Mr. Trump to the White House.