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03/10/20 3:59 AM

#3105 RE: Tbags7 #3103

maybe this wil help .I find something I posted in 2015 . Meanwhile a lot happend in 4 years , and cost are higher.

WTI was around $ 40 a barrel then

building Momentum :
-Annual leas sale March 2015
- Uplist to National exchange .
- Announce drilling plans and file permits
- Drilling RIG commitment.
- Spud first exploration well late 2015 begin 2016 .
Phase 1 drilling program : GSPE has high - graded 5 prospects , with mean unrisked resource potential
---------------------------- of 623 MMboe

Attractive returns in currant commodity price environment with F&D costs
of $ 3 - $ 10 per Boe

leveraged to both oil and gas weighted
How they compare :

Gulf of Mexico leads the North American market for lower cost NEW oil production

- previous deepwater discoveries under development benefit from significant cost spent today ,
but new deepwater mioscene fields breakeven @ $ 50/boe

- GSPE full - cycle breakeven cost @ $ 20 - $ 25 per boe allow drilling through commodity cycles

- GSPE range in breakeven cost vary by water depth and oil vs gas mix