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03/09/20 1:52 PM

#130572 RE: vikingzskillz #130570

What a steaming pile of inaccurate technical nonsense!

They must be trying to raise some money again... Any existing shareholders been hit up again yet?

"The world's first picture of a silicon chip inside a real, soft contact lens."

There is no silicone chip in this lens... in fact, no electronics at all!

This image in technically insulting. I am made dumber just looking at it!


03/10/20 12:02 PM

#130588 RE: vikingzskillz #130570

InWith co-founder and CEO Michael Hayes.
Is this true? Hayes was not even listed as an officer on the Inwith web site... Marcus was listed as CEO. Did Marcus give the corporation back to Hayes? I noticed they finally did a web site update with this "news" while dropping the "about us" page that listed officers without Hayes.


04/12/20 3:07 AM

#130606 RE: vikingzskillz #130570

FORBES does paid-for 'promos' called 'Native Advertising'

Paid-for Promotional Advertising, designed to appear as an actual "Forbes- branded" article, are now common.

They're paid-for awareness-campaigns, typically just re-hashed company PR that appear to be 'written' by a freelancer, who gets paid for attaching their name to the 'article.'

Journalistic standards require them to include the terms 'promoted' or 'advertisement' somewhere, tho they're often small & innocuous-enough to be unnoticed, which is the point.

I think most folks already KNOW THIS, as it's common to see these articles linked-to on IHUB. Just thought I'd post a reminder...