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03/05/20 6:42 PM

#615368 RE: LuckyPanda #615366

~ LP. The Parents Values’, “WMIH-Corp”, Is Purposely Being Subdued’ ~

... That (10-Q & 10-K) strategy is just about to end, ... Watch What Happens’ ...



03/05/20 6:53 PM

#615370 RE: LuckyPanda #615366


Sorry YOU must not understand how business works at ALL!!!!!!!

IF COMPANY X is today running out of product to sell guess what IT WILL NOT SHOW UP ON THIER BOOKS for 90 days. Now what happens in the next 90 days wont show up for 180 day.

Pard NOBODY has any hand sanitizer anywhere in the country available for sale for the most part as OF TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! and that will not show on bottom lines until the end of this quarter!!!!!!! FOR both those that make it and those that sell it

This IMHO WILL BE AFFECTING THE MARKETS for at least 6 months from today even if the VIRUS WENT POOF GHONDI !!!!!!!! TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!
China has already stated that tier productions line WILL NOT BE BACK TO 100 % until at least late summer!!!!!!!!!!

So where is all the product gonna come from that companies normally sell!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any that think no matter how quick this does or doesn't end that the FINANCIAL REPERCUSSIONS are short lived are seriously living in a dreamworld!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sopme must think this stuff just appears out of nowhere and jumps on the shelves at your local store!

What happens when drivers get sick and can't deliver or clerks can't come to work and sell stuff THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE

DO NOT KID YOURSELVES this is far from over and imho will affect the markets over all performance for 2 plus quarters if it WENT POOF TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I envision any and all mask PRODUCTION and or sale to very shortly ONLY BE ALLOWED TO HEALTH CARE facilities , which are the only ones that need them at this point.

MASKS ARE FOR THE SICK so what if ya have a mask and someone near ya coughs do you have 100% protective eye wear goggles on NO then guess what the mask does NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wash your hands stay vigilant and don't steal the mask that are available from the very ones that really need them!!!!! THE SICK and HEALTH CARE facilities!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS AINT OVER BY ANY MEANS nor is the markets response to this issue imho