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03/05/20 12:19 PM

#9774 RE: fromtheuk #9772

Timing is 30:20. Listen to the comment on the US. I heard rumours prior to listening to this. That response hit me, as it confirmed (ish) what I heard. As I mentioned, this is significant... and should become clear when TNW deploys later in the year..


12/05/20 5:51 PM

#11200 RE: fromtheuk #9772

Ignorance of wireless industry appalling at UAMA.

TNW WIreless network has been INOPERATIVE for years now and is clear proof that the business has failed. No subcribers, no roaming agreements and by definition NO REVENUE from wireless.

RuralCom was "market ready" when Investel bought it in a share exchange. Had a functional network (3G) roaming agreements with all the major US carriers and RuralCom CEO had funding commitments to go 4G and further buildout.

The vetted business plans clearly showed how the business could be quickly built to $40-$80M in annual revenue with 40-60% EBITDA.

Laliberte, UAMA CEO spurned the opportunity, fired the RuralCom CEO and attempted an end-run with the sources of capital. Needless to say they weren't impressed by Mr. Laliberte, his knowledge of the wireless industry or his convictions for stock fraud, market manipulation and deceiving investors.

Over the years, Mr. Laliberte has proven a propensity to deal in fraud. He has failed to build any business of lasting value and this is highly predictive of a bleak future for UAMA.