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03/02/20 8:03 PM

#13699 RE: dimestostack #13696

You know that is true LOL! We could get on the breakout board make a quick dime and then file it. I’ll delay it a week :-) shouldn’t hurt us in the long run LOL! I’m honestly here until the ship goes down or rises with eagle wings on the hundred dollar bill baby! I just wish they would communicate with us. Technically they haven’t broken any promises because they did say the next communication would be with the SEC but I feel like the last thing they should do if they’re making a profit off of us and living off of our interest is completely ceased communications. If someone is updating the SS every day someone could gladly send out a tweet, email, or anything that lets us know that they still have us in mind aside from us finding their operation! Like I said I’m heavily invested here with millions of shares which is all the more reason why I would like to see this tidied up a bit! I mean we’re all in early and I’m 100% convinced based on all my research this thing won’t go bankrupt… And honestly all these weird delays and what not could be because of their possible merger contract which I think is what is happening.
Nevertheless final word, I will give it a week or two before filing a complaint :-) however I will call there in NVOS Tomorrow to see if they can give me a contact for them or have received any updates from them they aren’t posted online. The NVOS system can be delayed substantially due to heavy volume so who knows this might resolve after the call!

Also, does anybody remember if Wesley Tate was actually listed as the CFO on the NVOS website a while ago, Or was he always listed as the treasurer? Because he’s currently listed on their website through NVOS as the treasure which I feel like maybe new? I feel like it one point I remember seeing on that form that he was the CFO? Can anyone confirm this if they ever checked it?