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02/28/20 6:14 AM

#268120 RE: Umibe5690 #268118

Excellent post Umibe. Agree with everything you wrote.


02/28/20 6:16 AM

#268121 RE: Umibe5690 #268118

Well said Umibe5690 and agree with you on this.

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Wild speculation. If LP steps aside in favour of Dr. Duffy at the eleventh hour after all these years she has put in, that sends a powerful signal that the trial has either failed or the results are mediocre at best. Not much value for Dr. Duffy to shop. I doubt very much that LP will step aside at this point. That is like admitting defeat. She is not a quitter.

I don't know what "interesting" or "very interesting" means. It may be interesting but have no to negative effect on the share price, but interesting never-the-less.

Bottom line, LP/LG have come to the end of the line. What counts is TLD and "very interesting" meaning stellar results. If they have not unblinded by the time of the ASM, I am quite certain they won't announce a partnership or other collaboration.

To long suffering investors, the only thing that is very exciting/very interesting is TLD. Everything else follows that. LP and LG know this. They also know that the string has run out and they can't shuck n' jive anymore. They have drawn the line at the ASM. Big P, at this point, is not going to do anything until TLD is revealed. Everything hinges on TLD. Other than that nothing is "very interesting and exciting".

Since LP scheduled the ASM for April 18th, two months hence, so that shareholders could make plans to be present, I wonder about the venue of the meeting. Surely, it will not be held at their lawyers' conference room as in years past. If it is the latter venue, you can bet its more of the same shuck n' jive. Shareholders are in no mood to "stay tuned" anymore and I think after the ASM announcement wrt to "interesting" and wanting as many shareholders as possible attending the meeting, LP has got to produce. I think there will be great disappointment if TLD is not announced by then. It is my feeling that if TLD is not announced prior to or at the ASM, a date certain thereafter won't be announced either. Keeping true to their strategy, NWBO will not want to telegraph to nefarious forces such a date if they want to catch them with their pants down. Between now and the ASM is the time to do so if there are nefarious forces at work as LG has consistently averred. If LP disappoints yet again at the ASM, raising money will be difficult and very toxic. What credibility management had will be gone with a blown, bottom line and stay tuned ASM. No doubt, LP/LG understand this very well.

Accordingly, I feel fairly optimistic that "very interesting and exciting" means TLD and well timed PRs/filings. JMHO.


02/28/20 6:16 AM

#268122 RE: Umibe5690 #268118

I agree. Absolutely no way Duffy was hired with a view for Linda to hand over the CEO job to him any time soon. Linda owns millions of options, she's not going to let some inexperienced guy guide how NWBO plays out when she has long experience in biotech and in corporate deal-making in general if she has any chance of making millions of dollars depending on the results. Linda is more than a decade younger than Les and from everything I've heard, they are both fully healthy and working very long hours.

They are not just playing games with the 'interesting' remark. As you wrote, there is nothing that could qualify as seriously interesting now except TLD. I'm sure that the statement and nuance of the ASM PR and the fact that it was issued as the pps was collapsing indicate that it was issued this far out from the date of the ASM and included 'interesting' for the sake of pushing back against the severe weakness of the shares. Experienced investors understand this very well, which is exactly why they bid the shares up so much. And that underscores that they know how strongly they would be attacked and maybe even sued if the 'interesting' turns out to have been BS which means anything less than TLD.

At this point I have 2 concerns: 1. I don't think they know for sure what the TLD will be, so it might be less steller than I hope and 2. No matter how good it is, if we are still in heavy pandemic at the time when the TLD is released, at that point the world economy will be collapsing and/or the markets are not done crashing. In that case, even excellent data might not be good enough to let us hold on to pps gains we get from the TLD announcement. If that gains don't hold well then the market might end up shrugging off the results. Certain interests will continue to sell the logic that if the market isn't rewarding NWBO, that proves that the data doesn't mean anything at all.

I don't know but I think it may be that we could end up with very small gains until actual RA approval is obtained months or even a year later. Longs have been waiting so long anticipating great TLD and a great market reaction to them. It will really suck if we don't get the level of positive reaction we expect. But this seems to be a real possibility due to the pandemic and what that will do for world economies and markets. Some longs will no doubt give up and sell in disappointment in this case. I may be wrong to think that this is a very definite possibility but I'm afraid it is. If Coronovirus is in strong swing around the world 2 months from now, it's quite possible that the markets will be deep in the toilet then. If the data is good but the markets and world economy are still in heavy fall, we definitely could need to wait for more months to see the eventual strong gains we will deserve. IMO longs need to be prepared for this as a possibility because it is definitely a risk, maybe even a certainty if the market keeps crashing.

No sense worrying too much this far out but longs should realize that this could play out in way that continues to frustrated even as we get get strong confirmation that this is going to work out as well as we have been hoping.


02/28/20 6:20 AM

#268124 RE: Umibe5690 #268118

Good post but I can see Duffy taking over day to day operations and growing the organization for that purpose. He is probably more qualified to bring the product to market. She would still be in charge as Chairman.