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02/24/20 11:27 PM

#17657 RE: musiltonka #17655

false conclusions we already know the answer but refuse to share it


02/24/20 11:30 PM

#17659 RE: musiltonka #17655

They own 100% of the HENC shell!

Strange. When opening the page here it says
Holloman Corp owns 100% of HENC, which has become a shell.

If Holloman Corp owns 100% of Henc, i.e. of ALL shares outstanding, how come the shares trade? Is Holloman Corp selling shares to itself and then buying them back, just to create the illusion that there are real buyers and sellers? Isn't this illegal ?

And since when is Holloman Corp a multi-billion dollar company?

Can anyone please file some financials? My sources say the business is in the toilet and company hurting mightily.

But then, promoters on this page must know much better of course.
I do defer to them but would just like some numbers.


02/24/20 11:34 PM

#17660 RE: musiltonka #17655

your sourses are liars,,,thats why they will never go anywhere their conclusions are all washed up


02/24/20 11:41 PM

#17661 RE: musiltonka #17655


7777 oath keeper

02/25/20 12:04 AM

#17669 RE: musiltonka #17655

