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02/23/20 6:16 PM

#238087 RE: nidan7500 #238085

My take - "Whack-a-Mole" kills.

Homeostasis is the only way to go.

Therefore it is possible that the accumulation of Aß may be a consequence of cellular misregulation or due to inflammation processes. If a cell is “inflamed”, it may be undergoing an immune reaction where the cell is reacting to what it believes is an infection or attack. A younger healthier person has more robust regulation of cellular mechanisms due to producing higher concentrations of regulatory, hormones, having better circulation, having better metabolic regulation and better overall health. Therefore, the brains of younger people recover from such inflammation processes while the brains of older people sometime don't. Instead, the inflammation triggers other problems causing the cascade of issues ultimately leading to full blown Alzheimer’s disease.

Drugs that target Aß have not been effective because the misregulation of cellular mechanisms is not corrected by drugs that target Aß. And in fact, targeting Aß may make the misregulation issues worse. Just as too much Aß is a problem, too little may also be a problem.