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02/23/20 4:04 PM

#286091 RE: Sheepdog #286083

Preaching to the choir is not promotion. Promotion goes out and attracts NEW interest. The only people that see the tweets are the people that actually follow the company, right? He doesn’t even use any hashtags to gain interest outside of his long investors. How can one call that promotion???

There is no presentation, although this company is in a prime position to have a sexy video and print presentation

... and PR’s are not as effective for small caps as they used to be, because everybody and their mother is pumping out information into the Internet on a daily basis and no one can read it all.

Again, he does nothing to promote the stock. Barely any money is invested in exposure, other than the cost of press releases. If he made a sexy investor focused video and advertised it on this site and others, I bet we would see the shareholder base increase rapidly, while hitting price levels we have not seen since 2017

I have studied thousands of penny stocks over the past couple decades, I know what works. I see it all the time. this company is not promoting to any significant degree. They are just doing what every other company does, tweet and PR’s. They are doing nothing extra to garner interest, but are in a PRIME position to do so.

This is the year 2020, video and other interactive media is KING and this company has none that’s directed at the shareholders. If they aggressive started showing off what this investment entails via video, theres no doubt in my mind the price would be improving and the repetitive negatives would vanish from the discussion, while it ran back to the highs.