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02/23/20 2:31 PM

#286061 RE: FAILURE TO DELIVER #286052

Wow the entire claim is crap narrative. The entire content and context is empty rhetoric. Disconnected from the company and the management. Plenty of reasons I continue to be long and acquire more shares.

It’s clear they have been going through the paces of what every growth company does on the path to scale. That statement is disconnected from what it means to be a growth company and the phases of growth. It’s disconnected from the otc and it’s impact on a ticker over the underlying company.

Ok, Please enlighten me then. In what way is it not having a significant developments? How is an entire Design - Development - Production - Distribution / Fulfillment - Retail deployed globally not a significant development? People all over the world ordering and playing our games. They couldn't 6 months ago, and now they are. Please tell me how thats not significant development.

Plus 'After the 2017 Run' we have 2 more flagship locations... Pretty significant to me...Especially Tempe as the 'proof of concept' location in the USA, that is a HUGE development. In ONE year, it is now an iconic destination, thriving more than venues establish long before it.

Please tell me how getting leases and advancing buildout of new locations isn't a significant development. Audits filed that previously were not, how it that not a significant development?

Cineplex increased business with us, that not a significant development either?

Wait Rogen gave up a thriving practice, Lawyer of the year in Mississippi, to head up USA Expansion. A new experienced executive resource isn't a significant development now? Already having leases in Denver and possibly 2 other locations, with a long list of places Rogen is traveling too, not significant developments?

Lines sure have grown, people waiting over an hour to get in to Snakes, more and more reviews, I guess that isn't a significant development in customer base and brand strength.

Revenues from sub millions to $11+M and going up, not a significant development?
Nearly net profitable with decreasing debt and improving fundamentals, not a significant development?

Sure feels a lot like significant developments to me, but please tell me, what is it then?

It is a simple fact, nothing is going to stop FUNN from growing and growing. Even the complaints we have seen are always FOCUSED FORWARD. They keep growing, knocking out milestone after milestone. So even with some complaints, they just don’t stop the GROWTH AND SCALE! They have established a ton of infrastructure, hold a solid and growing reputation as a Brand for both entertainment / service, retail and fulfillment. The mountains of positive evidence for FUNN continues to pile up!

We simply continue to grow and build. Always forging ahead regardless of topic du jour.

1) We have 3 years of audited financials proving the growth from sub millions to $8+ million and over $10 Million in FY19. I would generally expect a new upscaled auditor is announced in Jan. as well. Looking forward to having a new auditor to take us to the next level.
2) We have grown immensely since those initial audited financials have been in place, adding scaled functionality (e.g. accounting) as well as capability (e.g. production)
3) We have locations packed every night and massive amounts of reviews, photos, videos that continue to pour in weekly. 1000’s of customers every single week!
4) We have 1500%+ retailer growth (Over 190 now) and it continues to grow
5) We have 10000%+ SKU growth(Over 580 now) and it continues to grow
6) We acquired and developed AN ENTIRE SELF PUBLISHING OPERATION. We have a whole supply chain set up with a strong manufacturer and logistics shipment line
7) We have received GRO3 POs, and have installed with Kavalara, proving the product in the field!
8) Cineplex has INCREASED their business with us, a multi-billion company with 13k employees and millions of customers, exposing Snakes to a large audience.
9) We have a staff of 200+ and its not slowing down as more functions and capabilities are created.
10) We have massively increased warehouse space, and looking to expand in to USA for space.
11) Snakes IS the only public BGC company and the market leader for BCGs, ‘The Mothership’ of BCGs as cited in articles and industry.
12) We are supporting all of this without any mass dilution and there has been no toxic financing in FUNNs history.
13) From Financial Statements, we can see the company is generating a gross profit and using the money to develop the company, exactly what you want your growth company to do. (avoiding taxes and minimizing the need for further financing)
14) WALMART is a customer. They value their space, and do DD before taking on suppliers. Snakes has a good relationship with WALMART and they enjoy the first couple months of exclusivity. Regardless of KTU, WALMART is a friendly customer.
15) We have A TON of 3rd party news and reviews, and how much excitement there is around Snakes, especially when a new location becomes announced.
16) They have the WHOLE Supply Chain: Design-Production-Distribution-Retail-Service
17) They have shipped LARGE PRODUCTION ORDERs of KTU and Red Panda for the holidays world wide. The Board Game market has grown to $12 BILLION, and we have a ton of retail shops now carrying our product.
18) We have the second USA location going up, Tuscon, the demoing has started and construction is underway. They even recently tweeted on the construction with photos. The permits are in. There will be many new locations all over the US coming!
19) Snakes is popular in so many aspects of the Gaming community. Many special events and designer nights. All these inroads are synergistic with core operations and continue to further deepen the brand + its industry weight
20) KTU KS backers received their games and posting online positive reviews. In fact some pretty clever unboxing videos have even been made. This is a core customer base, who will continue to be loyal to our next KS self published games.
21) We hired a whole new accounting team to manage FY19 and beyond under the new corporate level accounting system. This system is now upscaled for years in the future.
22) We have changed our ticker to FUNN, as the premiere sub Snakes will become its own entity. An incredible and focused investment package which higher level investors can better consume and invest in.
23) From recent updates, we see FUNN making the strategic changes for scaling the business, learning what is the most lucrative and efficient things to focus on and set those for scale.
24)We now have another location coming in the form of an existing BGC conversion in Guelph, Ontario! There will be more and more of these as single BGC’s recognize the brand strength of Snakes and want to be a part of the success!
25)We SOLD and CONTINUE to sell KTU and Red Panda retail orders in the holidays, high margin product! Sales only CONTINUES to ramp UP! Retail locations selling our product around the world continues to increase!
26)We will get the information while we wait for the FY19 to reclassify as SELLER and get MILLIONS back in to our recognized revenues. The shipments have arrived will be distributed and more continue to come
27) We survived the stop sign and come out stronger, after more than a year. A very rare show of strength down at this level, we are now Pink current and moving towards QB
28) Many Many retailers popping up all over the globe selling our self publish Games, these retailers are even higher margins for FUNN than the giant single Walmart orders. Numbers are reaching multiple hundreds now!
29) We have upscaled our attorney to Greenberg Taurig, a top ranked USA and Global law firm. These are the kinds of moves made while growing and scaling.
30) We new management motivated and committed to a 10 location build out! To accomplish this, we have added a partner to the team for the USA expansion and given proper incentive where everyone wins: The USA team doesn’t get their commissions until after the 4th location is up and running! MORE important, they have the ability to execute and get things done. Now that we have that system business and process control in place, we don’t have the resource choke to move forward on new locations. Rogen will circle back on previously announced locations of interest and work on new locations as well. Look forward to more and more locations!
31) We have NEW games starting development in the works. Over time we will build out an entire library of self published games, continuously producing and shipping all over the planet!
32) Roger has proven be look out for shareholders by staying the path and building up the company, and even given up some of his personal equity for the greater of the company. This is certainly a rare trait among CEOs for growth companies, and appreciate he continues towards the vision of #worlddomination.
33) Our fundamentals only continue to improve, solid revenues Q after Q, and games sales are about to kick in Q320! Debt getting cleaned off books, and great stage set for the next phase of accelerated growth

This is not faith, speculation or conjecture. This is evidence. These are all verifiable facts.

With the new 10 location deal, we are seeing the payoff of all the work that has been accomplished. These deals don’t happen in an instant; they happen because all the foundational infrastructure and process created over the past couple of years is the BASIS from which these deals are born. I look forward to seeing more deals of this magnitude and bigger in the future!

RBSM released the initial 3 years of audits, they aren't going to stop having audits suddenly, I’m sure the next audit will be announced soon enough. (even if RBSM again, which i’m 50% sure it will not be. Now we have a baseline and scaling, we should be ditching these auditors and upscaling them just like we have done with our new law firm.)

This is where due diligence is important, combined with all evidence available, to create a risk profile. Risk profiles are also personal to an investors risk tolerance. There are plenty who will wait for the QB before investing. They will pay a significantly higher premium, and that's okay. They will still be early, just their multiples will be a lot less than the earliest investors as it should be, but it works for them.

For me i'm in from the earliest I could have been once I discovered this gem and did the dd: I have combined a ton of research, poured over the evidence, utilizing my experience and knowledge of the market places and growth companies and believe I have created a highly supported positive outlook. I have searched for other outlooks, with a supported narrative, but have yet to find one.

We will get to the QB, it won't be forever, it won't even be that much longer, just the moment from now until will feel like an eternity. It always does.

Once the FY19AF comes out, we uplist to a more appropriate marketplace suited for growth companies. All history will vanish in an instant. Markets are forward focusing, the institutional investor will absolutely not give one shit what anyone thought of Roger this whole time. The amount of money that will come in will dwarf the entirety of the pink market place investor community. They will see the infrastructure that has been built, the distribution, the supply chain, the business model, the revenues and they will say 'I WANT SOME OF THAT'. That is the future here, that is what will happen. Given we received the commitment for the 10 location build out, it is ALREADY happening!



02/23/20 3:02 PM

#286072 RE: FAILURE TO DELIVER #286052

D&B (PLAY) began operations in 1982, and didn't IPO until 32 years later when they had 70 locations already up and running. The IPO was used for debt repayment of $94M.

D&B already had experienced staff and a few more locations
when they went public, but lets talk about FUNN.

I'm sure there were plenty of growing pains back in the early days of D&B, just like FUNN has experienced, and just like any business experiences early on. People learn and grow from mistakes. Nobody is perfect.

As of today, D&B has 136 locations in North America. They've existed now for 38 years. That is growth of an average of 3.5 venues per year over that timespan.

Snakes has been in existence for 10 years (3.5 with AMFE/FUNN). I anticipate that our venue location count will double possibly in calendar year 2020, and then grow exponentially from there. We're also have other growing divisions we are building up that take resources such as Publishing and Fulfillment that D&B doesn't have, and we are also now in the process of extinguishing some debt (upcoming on the next Q).

There is a lot to be excited about with FUNN. We get many comparisons to D&B, and rightfully so. It's the closest comparison to what we have going on here, although I believe Snakes is really unique with the many segments involved. But compared to the path D&B took to get where they are today, I think FUNN is in way better shape than D&B was at this point in their existence. And we don't have to wait for an IPO decades down the road. We are here now from the ground up. That is the part that has me most excited of all!!

Just watch what happens when multiple buildouts commence within the next few will grow tremendously. And Rogen Chhabra is out there making things happen. I can't wait for the next update!!