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02/20/20 11:03 PM

#285446 RE: User-65225 #285442

Rattle them cages Rocket...


02/20/20 11:07 PM

#285448 RE: User-65225 #285442

The website was created in 2017 and nothing has been done to that page since. The nicest way to put it is to say he’s lazy.... and that’s not a good trait for a CEO

He could probably write the content of that webpage in the amount of time it takes to write a PR or two... then add all kinds of pictures, videos, graphs, sector analysis, etc. Boom!...

It’s not the only thing this Story needs, but it’s a powerful start. At least when you direct people to your flagship subsidiaries DD many of them will actually take an interest in digging deeper, instead of clicking the next stock ticker cause it looks like a half assed POS.

I wonder how many investors we have lost over the years because they couldn’t find any meaningful business plan DD and sector analysis? This can’t be allowed to go on any longer.

Would any of you allow this to exist for so long? I can’t even come up with a logical reason why... and per the replies, neither can anyone else. What do you think Rogers excuses is?


02/21/20 7:09 AM

#285456 RE: User-65225 #285442

I like FUNN didn’t sellout to penny-stock gimmicky marketing.