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02/19/20 9:06 AM

#265771 RE: trocprofit #265764

Agree . I think they gave enough time for people to bring SP down further .
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02/19/20 9:40 AM

#265779 RE: trocprofit #265764

Here's my take on this ASM date announcement. In order for Linda to provide a date, she must have some clarity on moving forward on certain steps. And she would have built-in a buffer if she needed a few extra weeks. My guess is they have decided to data-lock and unblind. This means the SAP is probably all squared away (it's about time!). My guess is we hear TL announcement in about a month from now. I'm also hoping that there will be some announcement on a partnership just before the ASM. She may want to give a few weeks between TL and partnership so things don't look legally fishy. The ASM hopefully is being set up for a celebration - my take on their wording.
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02/19/20 10:27 AM

#265799 RE: trocprofit #265764

I am still frustrated by this ASM announcement.

That's because this is what they do. They play games. To say in an official press release that the ASM they have scheduled in two months is going to be "interesting" is absurdly irresponsible. What does that mean? It means nothing, but it is a word they strategically included in the press release to build hype and fuel irrational expectations - and buy time. That's all they ever do is buy more time. Every press release and regulatory filing they put out contains at least one sentence intended to buy them more time, a sentence that is meaningless on its face, like "a draft of the SAP is now complete" or "we are moving toward data lock and unblinding," but can be interpreted in enough ways so as to perpetuate the hopeful hysteria.

A quick study of this message board shows how incredibly effective the technique is. It's as if people have no memory. "All those lies they've told us before, they don't mean anything. This time they are telling the truth!" And then when that hype comes and goes with nothing new, they move on to the next hype. What the company is doing is shamelessly taking advantage of pitiful desperation, because some shareholders will believe anything as long as it fits their irrational fantasy of getting rich off of this dogsh-t company. The lying lawyers know this, and they continue to put out these cryptic and utterly meaningless communications in order to sustain the hype and buy themselves more time. The broader market doesn't buy it, as evidenced by a share price that continues its uninterrupted slide to zero, but a certain group of desperate shareholders do buy it every time and that's all the company cares about. Appeasing that group of shareholders ensures they will all be re-instated at the upcoming ASM so that they can continue to play games, and they can add on some raises and bonuses to boot.

The problem for them is that in the end, time always wins. They are going to be exposed eventually, and every one of these irresponsible actions they take in the interim is helping to build the case against them. What kind of professional public company puts out a press release announcing an upcoming ASM and includes the phrase it's going to be "interesting"? It's really just beyond embarrassing, but again, the desperate among us fall for it hook, line and sinker. What the company is doing now is preparing to sell failed, or, at best, inconclusive trial results as something other than what they are. That's the plan. That's the strategy. They are going to hype a failed or inconclusive trial as some great new revelation, but no one who matters is going to buy what they are selling because the people who matter don't care about this POS company run by lying lawyers. In the meantime, you can count on more games, more cryptic and meaningless announcements, so they can buy more time to delay the inevitable as long as possible so they can keep paying themselves. Just watch.

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02/19/20 12:01 PM

#265841 RE: trocprofit #265764

I am still frustrated by this ASM announcement. Cryptic at best, nothing at worst. And, does that mean we hear zero info until mid April? Did they pick the latest possible date to kick the can a few more months? More dilution in the meantime?

An invitation to as many as possible to come to an "interesting" ASM does not suggest more dilution without any good news before the ASM meeting.

Instead, I have the following positive scenario in mind:
1. TLD with good results sometimes after mid March.
2. After the TLD, proxies will be sent ahead of the ASM and the good results will stimulate shareholders to cast their votes in support of NWBO's agenda.
3. Even better and quite interesting news will be unveiled during the
April 18 ASM.