ill take your word for it. i cant read a chart but ive seen this story before..if they went the extra mile and found some big boy financing to eliminate those notes 180 days down the road than i could end up a millionaire...we shall see. the health crisis now though over shadows everything but when they get past it and they will the ultimate cure for their ills is sustainable food production from the soil up. the healing will come from the soil up
as a foreigner exploring 5000 years of culture that is still on display living side by side with bullet trains are the basket weavers but those wet markets where you have cages of cats and dogs and big rats piled on top of each other and beef and fish and goats and chickens and ducks and just fascinating places to walk through but improved agricultural practices will eliminate these viral threats..when you think about it the old saying comes into play..You get what you pay for.. businesses go to china for cheap labor but you also get compromised food, water, air and infrastrucure so i love the chinese but the changes must come quickly. or their economy will collapse. KWBT will be at the heart of this effort. i sure hope kwbt can keep the share structure in tact and im praying for the chinese because i take no comfort in their distress. got too many friends there that are dear hearts..glta