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02/12/20 9:21 AM

#283499 RE: coydiggity #283474

Exactly Coy! The markers of success are there and growth is clear. 100% total bs to state otherwise. They HAVE been executing, all along. This is why we HAVE a ton of infrastructure in place. It’s funny how these bulls hit narratives keep moving the ball forward. Criticism on every endeavor, every project and initiative. Yet they JUST KEEP GROWING and the criticisms move forward.

This is what Business in the real world, not the delusional pink market looks like, grows like, has challenges like.

There is not a single instance where ANYONE ANYWHERE can say ‘they are stopping’ they JUST KEEP GROWING. Maybe or maybe not to a timeline one feels is reasonable, but for myself having spent decades building companies and processes from scratch, I’m all good and look forward to continued growth and scale.