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02/10/20 1:12 PM

#64411 RE: vhgier #64410

I don't see it as either or. Certainly management could have done better, and we could second guess til the cows come home

But the industry disruptor was not the company's management, it was the Farm bill bringing in a glut of bad actors with no FDA coordination. Obviously what happened in 2019 was not the intention of the farm bill. The ball was dropped and the entire market suffered.

CW is the industry leader, whether we agree that's proper or not they are the biggest cheese in the space. They're down 75%. CVSI could have made every right decision and maybe we'd be down 65% instead of 85%, but we'd still be down. And there's nothing they can do right now that will get that 85% back without govt intervention.

We're back to square one, CBD legality and NASDAQ uplist will be the catalysts. We had a false start with the farm bill. If we don't get there we'll all look really dumb for not selling at $6, if they do we should look pretty good.
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02/10/20 2:23 PM

#64413 RE: vhgier #64410

What could management do better? Look to our competition, CWBHF particularly, is their management team also trash? Their stock price is at 52 week low (or very close to it).

Our management team is doing a good job within the wild west of federally legal industrial hemp cbd products.

Companies like ours and CWBHF rely on clear federal guidance to ensure fair competition. Until that happens our share price will get dragged down. Hopefully once FDA or congress issue guidance a big sector rally takes us back to $4+.

What else is our management team to do considering? I think they are making all the right moves.
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02/10/20 2:31 PM

#64414 RE: vhgier #64410

Vhgier: why would I bash you, especially if you're holding shares. I'm sure there are things that could be done better, but IMO Dowling and Co. have done a remarkable job growing from 0 to 55 million in 5+ years. Let's have a little perspective. First, they were selling a schedule one drug in health food stores for 4 years. I'm guessing that could be a felony (any lawyers in the crowd?). For the past year, they've simply been selling an illegal product virtually everywhere (FDA says it's illegal). Sales dropped why? 3000 other small companies, at least half of which are total posers. They are on the verge of submitting a CTA (clinical trial application) for the drug for smokeless tobacco. I know a lot of the board poo-poos that or discounts it but that's HUGE. There are animal models of nicotine addiction and CBD works. Animal models don't always translate to humans, but CBD is known to interact with the nicotinic receptors in humans. So yeah, I'm pretty optimistic. Phase 1 will be quick and then I think pharma will jump in. Dowling said that the CTA should be filed by Q2 and he doesn't lie. I know Chillin' would love him to say something every other day, but when it happens, it will be announced. Unfortunately, to use a sailing analogy, we're kind of stuck in irons, but it's always windy in San Diego, and I expect a big gust or two this quarter. The price is ridiculously undervalued and so a decent gust could move the ship considerably.

But remember, this is a tiny company that is accomplishing a lot. The Mona anchor is now pulled up and I expect CVSI Version 3.0 to move soon.

All the best.