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02/10/20 10:48 AM

#299598 RE: poster44ny #299597

Nothing is done. No "high end theatricals". No MyFix. These are ideas trapped in the dark recesses of the mind. It's all fantasy.


02/10/20 10:56 AM

#299599 RE: poster44ny #299597

There is no higher end theatricals and no myflix. How is that getting it done?


02/10/20 11:59 AM

#299603 RE: poster44ny #299597

Getting it done???
Can you name one thing Eric has done in the past 5-8 years that has brought value to shareholders?
I remember the days where volume was 3-5 million average daily on a third of this float and half the OS...
Longs are stuck with this... can’t even get a good pump out of Eric anymore... it’s sad...


02/10/20 4:51 PM

#299624 RE: poster44ny #299597

Eric’s getting nothing done. It’s all PURE FANTASY

HHSE and it’s ceo are truly pathetic