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02/08/20 4:32 PM

#306225 RE: fourkids_9pets #306223

This scenario makes more sense. Insiders buy shares. Insiders make announcement of pending deal. Pumps price higher, insiders sell-dumps price lower. Happened since company was formed. Rock Tenn, Heddle Floating processors, Econav, Veridisyn, and now Nulixo. Happens every time like clockwork. Every jump in pps is tied to a deal announcement.

No NR here. No shorts. The main problem is No deals! That is the truth.


02/08/20 4:35 PM

#306226 RE: fourkids_9pets #306223

Please explain how any of that ridiculousness has prevented one announced deal from JBI or Heddle from being executed? One would think that a single processor sale or past agreement would make every piece of your analysis null and void. Yet to this day, only investors have been screwed. Screwed by management not the faux NR.


02/11/20 11:13 AM

#306260 RE: fourkids_9pets #306223

I think we should put 4kids at the helm!

Thanks for your input!

Investors are anxious for this to to succeed!

Lets Go P2O/Nulixo!!


02/13/20 9:16 AM

#306323 RE: fourkids_9pets #306223

this scenario may be helpful in understanding why Non Retail (NR)
embedded for over a decade in PTOI (stock) .. has angst
with P2O's (company) ability to execute

first unlike many OTC targets (OTC is totally fungible)
P2O's founder originally accessed non toxic capital
to fund something many of us still deem jaw dropping
.. table top to Flagship in mere years .. this is significant
(far more so today than even 6 years or so ago)

it's why noting actual shareholder certs (449) vs the 1 held
via a CE .. aka colluding entities (DTC) .. matters ..
more on those CEs in a bit

the one and only time access to toxic capital came to
pass (aromatics) .. all with interest saw how their efforts
played out .. shorting against their own certs .. seemingly
deliberate sabotage @ NF and padding certain like minded
entities' pockets over and over again

P2O was wrested back in mid August 2013 .. the newly installed
CEO infused Multiple Millions on 9.30.13 .. NRs' response to
that .. relentlessly compressing PTOI (stock) from 35c (9.30.13)
to 10c on 12.31.13

This is NRs' MO .. it is a very specific playbook Non Retail follows

in approximate order ..

NR works OTC target for cycles of money .. UP & DOWN
NR eventually goes UPSIDE DOWN
NR sanctions hit pieces .. usually in alignment with the
importation of a new *MM* (Market maker/market manipulator) to aid/abet (resetting)
Atty Firms' on hedgies' speed dial start trawling/trolling for *retail* lead plaintiff

and when that didn't *part* actual investors from their *shares* ..
NR works CONnections .. but to do that .. NR has to *expend effort*
that is what April 2011's then *record* setting volume (8M~ and change) was done for
that effort by NR took PTOI's PPS from approx 80c at the start of the month to 3.00 by EOM

by CONtrast .. NRs' recent *effort* (and set up) of November 2019
(new record setting volume month to replace April 2011's *effort expended* and set up)
took PTOI from approx 035c to 11c .. which of course *fizzled* re: *intent* why NR then focused effort
against Nulixo specifically

NR works cycles of money .. making $ on the way up and on the resets back down
this can work for weeks/months or years .. until it *CANT*

then NR brutalizes the stock

and why NR has such *angst* re: P2O/PTOI .. compressing X OTC target down to sub 1c
(again for most of the past many years .. PTOI has been held @ sub 6c) is almost always
guaranteed in NR getting actual targets' shareholders to sell

so *extra effort* kicked in back in July 2010 .. it began the first of many *set ups*
that NR would inflict on P2O and her retail investors

then think about what happens when that doesn't work

for the most part .. my focus remains on what has come to pass since mid August 2013
a *clean slate* for NR so to speak .. re: PTOI (stock)

remember the 1 *cert* held out of the 450 total .. that 1 cert is the DTC (a CE)
the DTC holds every *share* traded on the open market via other CEs (colluding entities)
brokerage firms/insurance companies/banks .. any *entity* that trades *equities*

realize too what 450 works out to (avgs) for 125M~ (I/O) .. about 277,777 *shares* per
now we know that is *nonsense* because some actual P2O investors hold *respectively*
500k .. 750k .. 1.2M .. 1.5M .. 2M .. 2.5M .. 3M .. 3.3M .. and of course the CE (DTC) holds the
1 cert for every *NR entity* that holds equities ..

think about that .. er .. *imbalance* if X OTC target .. executes

so here is what *imo* has *changed* in the last 18 months .. give or take a month or two

for years various CEs (brokerage firms) loaned out (allowed NR to access for a $fee) ..
PTOI *shares* held in retail clients' cash accounts

now even tho' *various CE charters may say they don't allow for that* .. remember the adage
embedded for decades .. the OTC is fungible and no retail entity would ever know that their *shares*
have been accessed/loaned out because the *more aware* brokerage firms/CEs .. would only be loaning out
a % of the firms' total (shares) held of that respective *target's stock*

so say for example .. one well known X CE/brokerage firm holds 16M PTOI *shares* in various retail accounts
.. software analysis reveals that for years only 1M of the 16M are set via GTCs (sells) .. leaving 15M just sitting
in NRs' clients respective cash accounts

X brokerage isn't stupid .. they won't loan out (allow NR to access) PTOI for more than say 20%
of the 15M balance not set via GTCs (3M total *shares*) .. this loan out/access is done for years for a $fee ..
and this scheme works .. until something changes .. then due to a *change* .. various colluding
X brokerage firms (CEs) now want the 20% loan out/accessed shares *reduced* .. either to 10% (return of
say 1.5M *shares*) or eliminating the loan out/access in total (3M needs to be returned) .. time frames in place too

now say the embedded NR entity having wiped their abusive slate clean with aromatics' flushed
out of P2O by EO 2014 .. (imo they didn't but for this example we'll say they did) .. went back to
their habit and systematically accumulated an abusive tally say since 2015 .. so over the last 5 years or so ..
that abusive tally gets added to .. slowly/steadily .. even tho' PTOI saw *decreasing* volume YOY
from 2015 to 2016 to 2017 .. 2018 saw a slight volume increase over 2017 .. and of course we all know
what 2019's *volume* was (smidge under 24M~)

the volume done on PTOI over 4 years (2015 to 2018) comes in @ just under 70M
factor in 2019 and rounding down that volume (for simplicity's sake) the 5 year total = 92M

69,500,806 (2015/2016/2017/2018)
23,994,633 (2019)
93,495,439 (2015 to 2019)

ironically at my last check with the TA .. PTOI's *float* (freely traded shares) is approx 92M
rounding up I/O .. 125M
restricted holds steady between 30M to 33M over the past few years ..

also a reminder of what the I/O has been held @ since 2015 .. from respective 10Ks' filed (2015 onward)

As of March 31, 2015, there were 120,244,157 shares of the Registrant’s common stock, $0.001 par value, outstanding.

As of April 14, 2016, there were 124,756,158 shares of the Registrant’s common stock, $0.001 par value, outstanding.

As of April 7, 2017, there were 124,756,158 shares of the Registrant’s common stock, $0.001 par value,

As of April 2, 2018, there were 124,756,158 shares of the Registrant’s common stock, $0.001 par value, outstanding.

As of June 3, 2019, there were 124,756,158 shares of the Registrant’s common stock, $0.001 par value, outstanding.

so back to NRs' ability to *access* from fellow Colluding Entities (various Brokerage firms)
PTOI *shares* .. which *previously* has never presented an issue to X brokerage firms ..
provided everything CONtinues in NRs' favor

first and foremost of course .. is keeping targets' PPS below X price point
this almost always ensures that company can't execute
and if they do .. NR tries to cut company off at the knees and CONtinue
to try and force *compliance* .. but without legit sells of significance .. that only adds to NRs' ongoing tally

so what came to pass at the EO 2018 to counter NR and seemingly gleaned by CEs?
.. Canadian Patent issued to P2O
and perhaps more disturbing for NR .. is what came to pass in April of 2019 .. a private company's
first site/install (after years of iterations) now had a known value assigned to it .. more *telling* perhaps
is the backer of the state's green bonds .. was none other than GS (oh the ironies) themselves

and of course there was the *revealing* events of June & July 2019
from 1.29.19 to very early June 2019 .. PTOI (the stock) had volume maintenance
volume maintenance isn't done by *retail investors* .. so that alone piqued curiosity
but more telling was the cliff diving volume for the two months of June & July 2019
(the lowest and second lowest *volume* months in 2019)

JUN 2019 ~ 491,063
JUL 2019 ~ 445,451

and then of course the appearance of a NR entity .. *shortly* afterward .. i refer to as a surgical buyer
imo >> briefly showed .. Aug/Sept/Oct and the first week of Nov 2019


at some point @ the EO 2019 .. CEs' (a few brokerage firms) bought a clue
i strongly suspect NRs' accessing of CEs' PTOI *shares* was addressed

*volume* always matters .. real/fake or a combo of ..

folks might remember that 1.29.19 .. PTOI *saw volume* not seen last since June 2017

it's also why when one sees a NR entity doing volume maintenance .. on a stock held mostly sub 3c in 2019
.. one has to ask the 640M $ ? .. who and why

perhaps more telling .. 2019 broke every *pattern* NR has displayed over prior (many) years on PTOI

and most telling to me .. is NRs' inability to do *volume* on PTOI recently unless it's washed or hidden

PTOI had just under 9M in volume in November 2019's set up by NR ..

note the lack of follow on (btw in any other year .. 2015 to 2018 .. 1.3M or 1.4M monthly would be significant)

PTOI ~ NOV 2019 ~ 8,847,829
PTOI ~ DEC 2019 ~ 1,442,058
PTOI ~ JAN 2020 ~ 1,363,463

so presuming that CEs' (Brokerage firms) bought a clue .. and clamped *access* .. embedded NR
has a problem .. specific to a few realities ..

we all remember the last round of *volume* done on PTOI was November 2019 (4 days @ plus 1M per)
b4 that 1.29.19 (54% hidden) and b4 that 6/2017

11/20/2019 0.07 0.0701 0.0503 0.0623 1,227,466
11/15/2019 0.094 0.11 0.076 0.095 1,423,292
11/14/2019 0.071 0.109 0.0675 0.0749 1,574,854
11/13/2019 0.053 0.0704 0.053 0.07 1,208,504

01/29/2019 0.0113 0.08 0.0103 0.02 1,046,642

06/22/2017 0.0176 0.0202 0.0112 0.019 1,143,831

first of those *problems* NR faces .. is *volume maintenance* .. specifically towards the EO this month

currently PTOI 10/90 day avgs ..

Volume (10 day Average) 18,604
Volume (90 day Average) 155,325

and 2 months ago ~

Volume (10 day Average) 81,166
Volume (90 day Average) 146,549

second of those *problems* NR faces ..
is YOY %s remaining *green* on PTOI .. most of 2019 PTOI held *green* re: YOY %s

third of those *problems* NR faces .. and so obvious by EO December 2019
NR is literally stuck .. they really CANT run PTOI up because NR CANT
afford to lose control of that effort (over 800 remain re: this SMB)

NR is desperate for ask hits (far easier for them to work off of then filling legit bids) ..
hence the CONstant UC'ing (undercutting) on *ask* .. but many P2O investors provide bid support
having long ago figured out NRs' rigged patterns .. so the phrase .. hoisted by their own petard comes to mind

NR is literally *stuck* .. NR has to *show* volume .. NR has to *hold* ask side .. NR has to break *bid side*
and of course after a decade's efforts .. NR has to actually get *retail* to sell .. because if *access* to retails'
*shares* has indeed been clamped (cut off) what options does NR actually have left to *counter* with ..

harass Nulixo .. check
set up PTOI (stock) yet again .. check (only that fizzled on *volume* due to a PPS *range* of 075c)
ramp effort re: retail .. check

over the past weeks .. one *sell* was claimed (tho' to be clear no time stamp forwarded for proof)
it was what is referred to as a paint .. 666 done in the last minute to close PTOI *down*

666 is an interesting *trade* size done on PTOI over the past many years .. (333 x2) and (1000 - 666 = 334)
NR signals constantly on PTOI .. more so in 2019 and 2020 .. than in years previous .. the primary signals are 10/11/12

during the same time .. currently known P2O retail investors picked off (mostly via bid but not always)

JAN 2020 ~ 453,273/1,363,463 = 33.24%

FEB 2020 ~ (rough) 53,226/166,773 = 31.91%

that plus 30% is NRs' *problem* in a nutshell and it's why 2019 saw *hidden trade %s on PTOI* spike off the charts

any way it is sliced the next *round* will be revealing .. over the coming weeks .. *volume* and YOY are key
there is also the fact that the 10K is due to be filed (if filed on time .. sans NT .. some might find that also revealing)

and imo (as previously noted) with the 8K filed by P2O re: X buyers' feedstock avenues successfully processed
P2O (the company) becomes an instant and immediate buyout candidate .. which brings me full circle back to this

first unlike many OTC targets (OTC is totally fungible)
P2O's founder originally accessed non toxic capital
to fund something many of us still deem jaw dropping
.. table top to Flagship in mere years .. this is significant
(far more so today than even 6 years or so ago)

years ago .. i posted re: P2O/PTOI .. that which NR CANT kill off .. eventually gets *embraced*

note the embracing done in April 2019 .. by a previously serially selective equity destroyer .. oh the ironies

it's why it won't surprise me with P2O's 8Ks' filed .. what of the numerous options *available* .. come to pass

P2O has always had options .. which clearly .. many (not all) actual P2O investors' ascertained over the years

and ironically after years of abuse .. it may just be that various CEs' *clamps* re: PTOI *shares accessed*
unintentionally aids and abets P2O and her retail investors ..

it too would be ironic ..

lastly .. to be clear and answering a few queries .. imo the *surgical* buyer of 2019 .. picked off between 4M to
possibly 8M PTOI *shares* in 2019 ..

beyond one day in 2020 .. where cat and mouse play was observed ..
no signs so far in 2020 .. (reminder last time viewed specifically was the first week of November 2019
when NN blocked @ *ask* via a 10k size @ 0375c that Mon & Tue)

this *surgical buyer* .. may be connected to Nulixo .. it is equally possible there is zero correlation
and ironically if *awareness* exists .. surgical entity recognizes the asset of NRs' decade old embedded abuse
and will time *efforts* accordingly

never dull these days ..

as always .. best to all actual P2O investors



11/05/20 12:14 PM

#307786 RE: fourkids_9pets #306223

RH is many things .. but stupid isn't one of them

watch to see if the 4th trade (all *trades* hidden today) .. ;)
is a signal for 20k in *volume* .. those *magical* 20k *trades*

NR = just a few probs

11:25:48 0.01854 200 OTCBB .. hidden (B/0162/25k .. A/0209/20k)
09:31:21 0.02045 2625 OTCBB .. hidden (B/0162/25k .. A/0209/20k)
09:30:06 0.0133 1200 OTCBB .. hidden *targeted* trade fed below bid @ 0162 (25k size)
09:30:00 0.0115 5000 OTCBB .. hidden *targeted* trade done @ mkt open to *reset* 52 week low

Detailed Quote:PTOI
0.01854Down -0.00236 (-11.291866 %)AS OF 11:25:48AM ET 11/05/2020

edited in B/A

CSTI 0.0185 590,000 12:21
ETRF 0.0162 25,000 09:30
CDEL 0.015 76,955 09:30

OTCX 0.0112 10,000 08:00
NITE 0.01 25,000 09:30
GTSM 0.0051 49,999 09:30
CSTI 0.0209 20,000 09:30
GTSM 0.021 12,686 09:30
ETRF 0.0225 10,000 09:30

CDEL 0.0248 15,579 09:30
NITE 0.03 10,000 11/04
OTCX 0.0379 13,700 08:00

Last Trade 0.01854
Trade Time 11:25:48am ET

Change -0.00236
% Change -11.291866%

Bid 0.0162
Bid Size 50000

Ask 0.0209
Ask Size 20000

Open 0.0115
Day High 0.02045
Day Low 0.0115
Previous Close
11/04/2020 0.0209

52-Week High
11/15/2019 0.11

52-Week Low
11/05/2020 0.0115

Volume 9,025
Volume (10 day Average) 31,287
Volume (90 day Average) 44,390

Market Capitalization $2.61M
Shares Outstanding 124,756,000


ETRF 0.0162 25,000 09:30
CDEL 0.015 76,955 09:30
OTCX 0.0112 10,000 08:00
NITE 0.01 25,000 09:30
GTSM 0.0051 49,999 09:30
CSTI 0.0001 10,000 08:30


CSTI 0.0209 20,000 09:30
GTSM 0.021 12,686 09:30
ETRF 0.0225 10,000 09:30
CDEL 0.0248 15,579 09:30
NITE 0.03 10,000 11/04
OTCX 0.0379 13,700 08:00
