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02/08/20 5:20 AM

#13021 RE: theStockGAMEoOo #13013

Many things they-could-RM into-this, Acquisition-we-don't know-about-yet??

7777 oath keeper

02/08/20 1:21 PM

#13054 RE: theStockGAMEoOo #13013

Yeppers my friend, agreed!

Was just in another runner that ran from .10's to .88 in 3 months. Same style movement being shown here with HENC thus far. Positive momentum, catching up with the OTC to gain current status, along with a massive RM opportunity here, tied along with a tight SS... A thing of beauty!

All IMO.


If this goes the way it looks, she got dollars written all over it!GLTU
