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02/05/20 10:44 PM

#213374 RE: markjohn62 #213253

The market had it nearly priced in.

>Hell, just a full musculoskeletal pain clearance news story would make his statement true.

A great dream just got way closer. FDA clearance for musculoskeletal pain. The next week will transform the 8 people in this picture to the most talked about thing in pain. Cheers to all the shareholders taking the ride with BIEL!!! #teambiel

If that's the case and Keith, as close as he is to sales, value, etc. is
sincerely going to say to an inquiring SEC that he thought that this long overdue, no-surprise FDA clearance for expanded use of a product already on the shelves, on AMAZON, etc. was suddenly going to make BIELCORP ...."the most talked about thing in pain" without a major partner to facilitate that talk, then we have big problems.

SEC does what they do. You misstep in a way that harms investors (and there are hundreds of posts here heralding Keith's post and how well the stock would perform this week) then they'll step in.

So really, for the good of BIEL I do hope they have a deal to announce VERY soon that will live up to the statement made by the BIELCORP senior executive. It's possible they do, but seriously risky IMO to have made that statement all things (past sales/current product lines) considered.