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02/04/20 12:34 PM

#299467 RE: poster44ny #299465

“HHSE went public 10 years ago, not 11.”

Wrong again. It’s ongoing it’s 11th year.

“The 1st audit deadline was June 2012 (7.5 years ago, not 11).”

Also completely wrong and not even close to the truth



02/04/20 12:41 PM

#299470 RE: poster44ny #299465

“HHSE did file their Form 10 in March of 2015, but had to retract it due to their auditor getting in trouble for audits he had done for companies other than HHSE.”

Eric knew his history and was under investigation

It was retracted due to the complete incompetence and deception of the absolutely pathetic ceo



02/04/20 12:44 PM

#299471 RE: poster44ny #299465

“The shareholder's meeting was moved up from March 7th to February 29th. Wonder why?”

Nobody actually cares.

The previous shareholders meeting was cancelled because the ceo had a toothache


The time before that the ceo booked a hotel for the SHM that never even EXISTED

That’s freaking hilarious

How does a shareholder obtain access to the meeting. I cant wait!!!!



02/04/20 12:49 PM

#299472 RE: poster44ny #299465

The new date still has to do with the Form 10 registration because of them wanting to discuss it.

In reality, the Form 10, needed to be filed in January to avoid staleness if they do not have the 3rd qtr audited. Which as we know, nothing is being audited.

Hilarious stuff.

Ongoing 11 years of lies from ERIC The “FAILURE” PARKINSON