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02/03/20 9:08 PM

#4859 RE: sts66 #4857

That is what I understand as well.

And it is only fair; that if you are going to use a margin, which lets you short someone else's shares, your shares should be available for them to short.


02/04/20 6:41 AM

#4866 RE: sts66 #4857

Hey sts, I guess you know more about securities laws than the regulators. Why don't you call and talk to FINRA personally as we have several times in the past. Hear what they have to say... Don't take my word for it.

A great day of reckoning is coming...

I don't believe Socialism is right, but 50% of America wants it now seeing this going on in Wall Street far too long... We are in very violent/volatile times indeed...

I wrote letter to current Administration economics experts about this, because tonight is Trump's State of Union- as truthfully, many are NOT realizing what they are saying is happening out there, especially employees & other Shareholders of these companies whose shares have been continually shortsold into devastation today regardless of fact, news, positives, etc... Changes MUST happen in Wall Street and with shortselling, and 50% of Americans want to see something done at the highest levels...