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12/07/06 10:04 AM

#1315 RE: MrPlum #1309

I'm sorry you have Sputnik on ignore. And your right, some here do protesteth too much. Much adu about nothing.

Apparently you guys are more interested in attacking non-positive posts than you are on receiving data.

I too am relatively new here MrPlum and almost immediately Sptnws attacked me and the moderator pulled his post.

I introduced ITKG on the Motely Fool boards before I ever knew iHUB existed and one of the most knowledgable, experienced members responded with somethings that did not support ITKG. At first I also got defensive until I realized that all imput is vital. I'm a big boy and can filter anything I don't agree with ,without having to use "ignore" or throwing a tantrum.

MrPlum, please understand as some here don't. Just because someone is critical about a stock doesn't mean you should sell your shares.

Remember the post where I was accused of being Sputnik's double.
If I chose to be insecure about mine or someone else's opinion I would have claimed the poster was calling me a lier. But I will leave those tactics to "you know who".

I hope ITKG goes to the moon but there is no proof yet to support that kind of position. That's a natural fact.

I suggest you learn the same lesson I have learned on other investments that I felt the same way about years ago. "Trust but verify." Don't just sit here stroking each other while waiting for the next chance to attack someone who is willing to use peripheral vision as part of their investment strategy. That is a loosing strategy even if this stock should turn out be a good investment.

I have never meant any offense to any member here but I can not say the same of others here. Some of the posters here sound like the kettle calling the pot black. The second you use the "ignore tab" is the moment you close the door on what could be vital data. I am fully able to use the "ignore tab" in my mind and I will never let a machine-ignore do my thinking for me.


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12/07/06 11:34 AM

#1319 RE: MrPlum #1309

Welcome, Mr. Plum.

Thank you for those cogent comments. Cheers.