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01/21/20 10:55 AM

#279816 RE: Juancy #279812

Absolutely Juancy.

A lot of behind the scene activity and hard work putting this together and getting it done. A lot of dedication. Hats off to JRF, Roger and Ben.

No CEO Ever does what Roger did. Putting up his own PERSONAL preferred shares. This is one for the books. No doubt in my mind this will be one of the greatest examples of corporate leadership that will be studied in business schools for a long time. Other CEO's will try and replicate going forward. Roger just raised the BAR to new heights.

Mark my words, this action, by the CEO is going to reach the news outlets all over.

It is going to be very exciting watching the constant roll out of Snakes location over the coming months and years.

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you: Snakes and Lattes.

I still can't get over the fact that Roger is giving up preferred shares. What CEO does that? You can tell he really wants this to succeed, despite all the insults that get hurled at him.

I am stoked to hear that we will eventually see these locations coming online in the U.S. quicker from here on out. Kudos to Roger, Ben, and jrf! smile


01/21/20 11:07 AM

#279822 RE: Juancy #279812

If possible, please break down what shares Roger owns, and how that MIGHT play out with his giving up some "preferred". Many do not know how to access his share holdings.


01/21/20 1:07 PM

#279861 RE: Juancy #279812

Her also refinanced his house didn't he. He is a real stand up CEO, IMO.