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01/21/20 8:40 AM

#28793 RE: Bj106 #28792

Don’t forget about Tina.

And totally agree. We’ve all regressed significantly.

OTC baby!!!
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01/21/20 8:49 AM

#28795 RE: Bj106 #28792

Yes how dare people pass their time, in waiting for some type of information, with childish banter and not be serious about how important it is to take on the form of the three famous Monkeys.. See No Evil... Hear No Evil....and most importantly...Speak No Evil....

Pull your pants out of your ass friend and lighten up.... those in charge of this new company moving into our shell do not take the time to read some message board fodder, on a site that is as irrelevant as IHUB is, to how a soon to be international business makes it business decisions. Weather we praise or blast them is only significant to people here at IHUB... and if you or anyone invests based on what they read and not what they bother to find out (DD) as facts then oh well thats on them.

You can not find a stock listed on IHUB that does not have favorable or unfavorable posts listed on it every single day...
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01/21/20 9:11 AM

#28799 RE: Bj106 #28792

Lets be honest here and serious for a minute then... what's more middle school locker room is how this company has actually acted.

A public reverse merger is not a top secrete move once the cat is out of the bag... that cat was released on Nov 4 when David Lazar the custodian of TRDX removed himself from the Nevada Secretary of State web site and the names of several Taiwanese gentlemen were put up. Since then they have chosen to allow miss information, half truth and partial replies lead the way as to who and what they actually are.

Excellent due diligence has been preformed here by several people, facts have been checked and re-checked by many as to the background of the names we were given...those names then removed and a singular name put in there place... again more deep DD was done...and again all the while the DD was being done information, unverified information, was released by a group known as "Line People"... that information was simply a regurgitation of the questions asked. Never once was any new information put out, nor has it been put out.. Tina the listed consultant, could not even after 3 attempts get her point out on how a new lawyer was going to update the OTC...until myself and a few others sent emails threatening to file a SEC complaint for lack of follow thru (fiduciary duty) did we miraculously get Davids name removed and their names put up... Now another 3 weeks has passed and still no further information is forth coming. We are headed into the end of the 3rd month of this merger having been completed and we are yet to even know the official name of the company... so yea those that have been here, some for over two years, the board will occasionally drift off into useless bull shit to pass the time...

Lets face it at this point in time there is very little new DD that can be posted... its all been hashed over and all we can do is sit and twiddle our thumbs...and if we did not goof off there would be 5 posts a day here and they would all say the same thing that has been said over and over for the past 3 months... No posts and no new information will not send anyone looking in here for the first time right to the buy window either... they will look and say "Must be a POS no one is posting" and they will move on.... so lets put the blame for all of this where it goes...At their feet not anyone feet stomping around here.
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01/21/20 9:23 AM

#28801 RE: Bj106 #28792

Lol welcome to the OTC, you’ll find just about everything