BWIS, this recent FDA guidance (that FDA is waiting on input for) may very well prove extremely helpful and is also quite timely. I believe the opportunity to provide commentary is up in February. In the meantime, it doesn’t really make any sense for the company to “wait” to unblind this trial for this guidance to be implemented. I state this because after unblinding and after top line, the company still has to assemble their BLA (as ex is so fond of reminding us). And by the time that guidance is in effect, the BLA with the FDA may not yet even be filed. And if the BLA is filed before the guidance is formerly implemented, as ex is also fond of reminding us, the guidance is already at this time pretty much in effect.
My guess is that LG was simply taking the opportunity to remind you of the recent guidance, and how relevant and timely it is, and how it confirms a lot of things LG has been telling shareholders the FDA seems prepared to accept these past few years. However, I doubt very much that he meant to imply that everything (or anything for that matter) about the L trial was on hold until the guidance was finalized.