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01/18/20 1:40 PM

#242206 RE: sharinky #242192

Last week I took my Aunt to see her Cardiologist.
(Her issue is leaky heart valve/Afib)

Anyway, I asked the receptionist of what is a 2 doctor clinic, heart
specialty if the doctors were familiar with Vascepa? She said yes,
and just ordered some samples for the office. However, she said the
(one doctor that has prescribed it) was reluctant to because the
out of pocket cost to the patient was a few hundred dollars a month.
I suggested that over time the insurance coverage will improve. Of
course I discussed the benefits of Vascepa, the NNT of 6 and what that
means, and complimented her that she was aware of a cutting edge drug.

My conclusion is that in Michigan right now, many doctors who are
aware of Vascepa are reluctant to prescribe as they are concerned
that the patients insurance will not cover it. I do wonder if BP
owned Vascepa if the coverage would be better. I don't know.
Does JNF or PFE have lobbyist working to insure their drugs get
maximum coverage? I still think that patients would be better
off if AMRN was owned by BP...distribution would be broader, more
sales reps could cover a greater number of doctors, and I (hope)
insrance coverage (especially Medicaid/Medicair/VA) would be
better and/or happen quicker. (Of course I may be wrong)