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01/16/20 3:46 PM

#278621 RE: Excalibur13 #278619

OTCQX – Requirements for Admission

To be eligible to be quoted on the OTCQX U.S., companies must:

Have $2 million in total assets as of the most recent annual or quarter end;
As of the most recent fiscal year end have at least one of the following: (i) $2 million in revenues; (ii) $1 million in net tangible assets; (iii) $500,000 in net income; or (iv) $5 million in market value of publicly traded securities;
Meet one of the following penny stock exemptions under Rule 3a51-1 of the Exchange Act: (i) have a bid price of $5 or more; or (ii) have net tangible assets of $2 million if the Company has been in continuous operation for at least three years, or $5,000,000 if the Company has been in continuous operation for less than three years which qualification can be satisfied as of the end of a fiscal period or as a result of an interim capital raise; or (iii) have average revenue of at least $6,000,000 for the last three years;
Not be a blank check or shell company as defined by the Securities Act of 1933 (“Securities Act”);
Not be in bankruptcy or reorganization proceedings;
Be in good standing in its state of incorporation and in each state in which it conducts business;
Have a minimum of 50 beneficial shareholders owning at least one round lot (100 shares) each;
Be quoted by a market maker on the OTC Link;
Have a minimum bid price of $0.10 per share for its common stock as of the close of business on each of the 30 consecutive calendar days immediately preceding the Company’s application for OTCQX. If (i) there has been no prior public market for the Company’s securities in the U.S. and (ii) FINRA has approved a Form 211, then the Company may apply to OTC Markets for an exemption from the minimum bid price requirements, which exemption is at the sole discretion of OTC Markets. In the event that the Company is a Seasoned Public Issuer (i.e., has been in operation and quoted on either OTC Link, the OTCBB or an exchange for at least one year) that completed a reverse stock split within 6 months prior to applying for admission to OTCQX U.S., the Company must have a minimum bid price of $0.10 per share for its common stock as of the close of business on each of the 5 consecutive trading days immediately preceding the Company’s application for OTCQX, after the reverse split;
Have GAAP compliant (i) audited balance sheets as of the end of each of the two most recent fiscal years, or as of a date within 135 days if the Company has been in existence for less than two fiscal years, and audited statements of income, cash flows and changes in stockholders’ equity for each of the fiscal years immediately preceding the date of each such audited balance sheet (or such shorter period as the Company has been in existence), and must include all going concern disclosures including plans for mitigation; and GAAP compliant (ii) unaudited interim financial reports, including a balance sheet as of the end of the Company’s most recent fiscal quarter, and income statements, statements of changes in stockholders’ equity and statements of cash flows for the interim period up to the date of such balance sheet and the comparable period of the preceding fiscal year; and
Be included in a Recognized Securities Manual or be subject to the reporting requirements of the Exchange Act.
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01/16/20 3:48 PM

#278623 RE: Excalibur13 #278619

Info Purposes only:

Meet minimum bid price test of $0.01; Be listed on a Qualified Foreign Exchange or be a U.S. reporting company (SEC, Reg A+, or U.S. Bank) Submit a Letter of Introduction from a firm qualified to sponsor companies on OTCQX

FUNN is located in Canada but incorporated in New York.

Means no Pinks allowed unless all Audits are done!!
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01/16/20 3:50 PM

#278625 RE: Excalibur13 #278619

$.25 and above for at least 30 days.

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01/16/20 5:16 PM

#278659 RE: Excalibur13 #278619

Company communicated it expects QX months after QB