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01/15/20 2:29 PM

#230506 RE: Gernee20 #230502

The effect of the lack of partnerships has been a huge slowdown in pipeline development. Had Missling completed a couple of big pharma partnerships, I believe A2-73 would have moved both faster in the clinic and more indications would be in the clinic, and at least one additional compound would have entered the clinic. The real question for each of us to answer to their satisfaction is whether Missling has deliberately gone against his own statement on the importance of partnerships or whether he has simply not been able to execute because of a lack of interest or enthusiasm.


01/15/20 2:56 PM

#230516 RE: Gernee20 #230502

Gernee....agree on building a promising hand in going for a partnership. Below is an update from the JP Morgan Conference with interesting comments on Merck and Roche and a statement that the "big guys' are looking for neuroscience being the next focus of drug development.



01/15/20 3:43 PM

#230526 RE: Gernee20 #230502

Surely you will agree the farther anavex takes 2-73 in development the better the terms will be in a partnership (assuming continued positive results from our trials & R&D)?

I dont think that any partnership for Anavex with any BP is possible without providing convincing data. A CEO of a big pharma rather pays 100x more after proof of concept then speculating before anything is proven. Very rarely is a bio tech funded or a deal is made with a biotech before the biotech has proven anything. Its not as if Anavex refused to partner its in this stage BP not interested in Anavex.