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01/15/20 8:24 AM

#32770 RE: Geegee678 #32766

Wrong. It is a DIP because, imo, people want shares, or more shares, even if it means sell at 17, buy back at 15 cents.

On Monday the 6th we closed at 17 cents then the following days: 15, 15, 14.6, 15, 15, and yesterday 13.3.

It doesn't look like a down trend. It is a consolidation and a matter of choice.

But it could be selling on purpose to go somewhere else. I don't mind as long as the shares bought are now in the hands of loyal investors.

Should I remain with ALPP I bought at 22 cents ( 36% loss if I sell at 14 cents ) or go with PCTLeelee on sale at 0.0110 which can go to 3.3 cents ( 200% gain ) in the next few days, weeks.

Once again matter of choice.
Days and weeks to get rich OR weeks and months to get very rich?

MONEY moves