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01/10/20 2:10 PM

#239861 RE: raistthemage #239856

100% disagree

Moses had to put up with exactly this kind of shit from the Israelites over and over again

I have no idea why he even hung around. He should have left those assholes to get slaughtered on the wrong side of the Red Sea

But Moses didn't. And neither will Thero. You don't deserve him.


01/10/20 2:23 PM

#239866 RE: raistthemage #239856

Imagine where we'd be if we had a CEO like Martin Shkreli!


01/10/20 2:29 PM

#239867 RE: raistthemage #239856

rais - "1st amendment suit, we have a right to market truthful information on the drug"

The result of the suit only allows Amarin to give factual and non mis-leading information to health care providers, not direct to consumers.


01/11/20 4:17 PM

#240146 RE: raistthemage #239856

r- (&Markipeach &KCSVEN)

1) Discontinued appeals on the ANCHOR rescindment, if he continued eventually he could have sued the FDA in Federal Court for breach of contract for billions of dollars and won.

The point of the appeals was NOT to get the FDA to change their mind it was to get to the federal courts. AMRN could have then sued the FDA for breach of contract. And yes federal law specifically waives sovereign immunity for breach of contract.

The "problem": the FDA did not beach of any contract. The law give a right to FDA to "rescind an SPA agreement when the division director or senior management determines that a substantial scientific issue essential to determining the safety or efficacy of the product has been identified after the trial has begun (section 505(b)(5)(C)(ii) of the FD&C Act." ANCHOR result (TG lowering) was not enough, substantial scientific issue (REDUCE-IT) was essential to approve Vascepa for TG 200-. No Court will decide against the FDA in a scientific matter …

2) Did a completely stupid and oversize cap raise in July and to those who say it was necessary that brings me to point three...


Why a 26 million share raise for $460 million, did not make sense at the time, did not make sense even after ADCOM announced and based on recent 2020 outlook they won't touch a dime of that money in 2020. Maybe 1/2 that amount made sense, have a buffer for some unexpected and take money raise off the pressure of the stock but they have not justified the size of the raise and the additional dilution.

Do you think new sales staff was the one and only reason behind the raise? What about:
- buy inventory
- finance daily operation
- provide Vascepa for Canadian market (and for EU later)
- refinance API capacity expansion (As they did in the past …)
- etc.
FYI: (usually) the costs come before the revenue. e.g. Ended 2019 with approximately $645 million in cash does not mean they were not or will not below $600 (/500) million at any time.

3) Used the money mostly to blow on useless sales reps, he should go direct to consumer. There is no need to wait for any FDA office approval as the one good thing JT ever did was the 1st amendment suit, we have a right to market truthful information on the drug and yet JT is not exploiting it. Let the FDA try to bring legal action to stop this, they'll just lose again.

The sales reps beyond a minimal level are not needed and useless as JL has pointed out many times. They should be doing immediate DTC advertising. I don't care if anyone thinks the 1st amendment only applies to talking to health professionals. Let the FDA try to make that argument in court (which I don't even think they would) they will lose immediately.

Basically we didn't need that much money or to go cash flow negative because we don't need 800 fucking sales reps.

Does not make sense to bickering about the minimal level of sales reps but one thing is sure they did not hire additional 400 just for fun …

"right to market truthful information on the drug" [yes] "and yet JT is not exploiting it." First of all: we have to see pre- and after Dec 13 separately.
pre-: Meanwhile they could talking (market truthful information) to health professionals they could not to customers … since the label did not included the information about ANCHOR (or REDUCE-IT)
after: They will do it. … I am sure they have a valid reason to plan (start) it around mid-2020.

He should be taking FOUR HOURs of public speaking lessons a day or he should not speak in public at all for any reason ever (no awards nothing in front of a camera EVER for ANY reason) and he should appoint someone else... he is the worst (native) speaker I've ever heard.

by Markipeach:

JT remains a pathetic public spokesman for the worlds greatest drug.

JT isn't a spokesman for Vascepa … he is the CEO of Amarin. I am not aware of any interview / speaking when he talked about Vascepa … he talked about Amarin (and as a part of Amarin, about Vascepa) … Reuters / etc. do not want to interview "sales", they make interviews with CEOs.

But one point you don't miss the continous hit pieces on AMRN... when they go answered at all its by posters on this board who put up their own seeking alpha articles... AMRN's IR department at least (if JT can't do it because he can't speak) should put out a press release to counter every fake bullshit article that comes out on this. I don't want to hear that that will make things worse because not doing anything about it and letting the short seller-fake news complex tank the stock doesn't work.

Cute …. but it is not how it works.

To avoid any doubt: I do not say the current pps is a funny thing … but see the forest, not the tree only … JT and the team building the Co. … Rome wasn't build in a day.
