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01/10/20 1:18 PM

#23687 RE: Abaddon #23683

OMG the stories are awesome too bad they aren't true....where's the actual proof? Where are the lawsuits for theft? Oh yeah there are none because its all lies...Btw if you are going to steal ideas you steal them from successful people not felon failures like Little Nathan Hall and scumbag Manlis...

If he stole the paperwork and idea from Manlis where is his thriving cannabis operation.....

And Hall surely was able to secure funding with the backing of the Bahamian government even though he is a convicted felon he tried to hide from the world....

Too funny the lengths people will go to cost others money....SO SAD...


01/10/20 3:10 PM

#23721 RE: Abaddon #23683

Oh yeah check it out,it's him.Three MJ companies,three different tickers and somehow people still believe it's all legit,I don't get it but it is good flipping sometimes if you get in and out fast enough.


01/10/20 3:13 PM

#23722 RE: Abaddon #23683

When doing DD it's amazing how one doesn't stop and think how this guy went from oil drilling energy companies to MJ companies over night.


01/10/20 8:44 PM

#23748 RE: Abaddon #23683

Great post! Dig even deeper after the oil deal. More dirt before cannabis. It’s really the best case study I have ever seen in pink sheet nonsense. Eye opening.