I’m honestly not sure about how, if, or when NWBO had any effect on the FDA guidance, or whether it had to do with the SAP. But, I do know very well that Ms. Powers does more than run a bunch of other companies while NWBO is left to cruise along at it’s own pace. I believe Dr. Duffy has been extremely busy in his new role in coordination with Ms. Powers’ direction and connections in DC. Dot connecting has and will be an interesting way to speculate on NWBO’s future. While timelines have not been an easily realized part of those connections the back story, in my perspective, and despite how long it’s taken, has been quite easily accessible.
I believe the share price has been a gift to longs with the fortitude, capital, and faith to have spent the time to pay close attention to the public statements, SEC filings, etc. in the past year and to read the navigational charts properly.