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01/08/20 12:40 AM

#276588 RE: Juancy #276581

True Juancy. But, it the communication and intent were very clear when it came to Walmart up to very recently to then not have it happen and without explanation is confusing to SH's and is clearly causing some unease about it. Same as the 2019 audit completion. Up until the 2018 audit completion, I among others were under the impression 2019 was going to be done with or shortly thereafter based on what we were told by FUNN. Now it appears we may have not even started it yet and it's Jan 2020. It really boils down to the fact that some of us just want to have a clearer understanding from the company than others. When we are being told one thing, but something completely different happens, it creates mistrust. Do as I say, say as I do kinda stuff. I dob't mind if FUNN switched strategies to forgo WM for the first few runs, but tell us so we're not left speculating what happened. Same thing with the 2019 audit. FUNN should be clear as to where we are in the process and a reasonable guideline of what to expect as the process plays out. I'm really hoping 2020 marks the year where their communication and execution become much, much better. As it has been stated many times, Roger could easily clear alot of this up with a few tweets just so we're all on the same page. Yet, he hasn't. That makes some nervous, including me. I'm a big communications kind of person, especially at work where it's critical. FUNN does have a lot going for it, but the lack of clarity on important issues creates mistrust and that isn't helping any of we LONGS as we continue to drift downward.