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Large Green

01/01/20 4:20 PM

#604915 RE: Split T #604914

Split T, WOW...A GREAT find and this is shocking! I have NEVER expected the FDIC to move something up, always expected delay after delay and always LATER but NEVER earlier. So, this is VERY interesting, to say the least!

Large Green

01/01/20 4:41 PM

#604919 RE: Split T #604914

Split T, this was updated in an old document and this was probably NOT expected to be found! Here take a look.

PDF 24 of 43

FDIC further grants to each Individual full power and authority to do and perform all acts necessary to carry into effect the powers granted by or under this Limited Power of Attorney as fully as FDIC might or could do with the same validity as if all and every such act had been herein particularly stated, expressed and especially provided for.

This Limited Power of Attorney shall be effective from March I, 2019, and shall continue in full force and effect through February 28, 2020. unless otherwise terminated by an official of the FDIC authorized to do so by the Board of Directors (""Revocation''), At such time this Limited Power of Attorney will be automatically revoked.

Additionally, upon the termination of employment from Wells Fargo Bank. N.A. (for any reason) of any Attorney(s)-in-Fact named herein. such terminated employee's po\ver and authority provided pursuant to this Limited Power of Attorney shall immediately be revoked and be of no further force and effect as of the date of such termination.

Any third party may rely upon this document as to the named individual(s)' authority to exercise the powers herein granted unless ( 1) a Revocation has been recorded in the public records of Office of the County Clerk of Dallas County, Texas; (2) Notice of the Receivership Tennination has been published in the Federal Register; or (3) a third party has received actual notice
of a Revocation.

Limited Power of Attorney for Wells Fargo [fank. N.A. February. 2019 Page2of4

FDIC as Receiver for Washington Mutual Bank. Henderson. Nevada
Servicing Rights Purchase Sale Agreement. Jul~· 17. 2006
Prepared by: Susan Keojampa and Dnrlcne Waller. FDIC. Dallas Regional Office. Legal Division

IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the FDIC, by its duly authorized officer empowered by appropriate
of resolution February, of 2019. its Board of D,~i~re~c:to:r~s~, ~h:as~ca:u~s:e:d~t~h:es:eup:r~e;se;a~t;s~t;o~b~c~s;u~b~s~cr~i:be:d,iarit:s~a~a~m~e~th~i~s~.;2,:':1::'-"~d~•~Y-~---~
Title: Resolutions and Closings Manager
Field Operations Branch
I ... .S 0--
ST ATE 0·1,-,,..,,.,,.....,-------------_J
On this 27th_day of February. 2019. before me, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas
appeared Patricia A. Deaton, to me personally known. who. being by me first duly sworn did depose that
she is Resolutions and Closings Manager. Dallas Regional Office of the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (the "Corporation'"), in whose name the foregoing Limited Power of Attorney was e;,;ecuted
and subscribed, and the said Limited Power of Attorney was executed and subscribed on behalf of the said
Corporation by due authority of the Corporation's Board of Directors, and the said Patricia A. D
acknowledged the said Limited Power of Anorn 'to be the free act and deed of s~:-l Co · n.


01/01/20 5:38 PM

#604926 RE: Split T #604914

Yeah that’s too close to an election.
Makes sense to move it up.


01/02/20 7:22 AM

#604956 RE: Split T #604914

Means nothing imo