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01/01/20 1:45 PM

#604879 RE: AZCowboy #604872

Az as always greetings and may this be a happy new year!

Now onto some support of Who really owns the RMB'S & Trusts and a follow up article/Investigation on wamu WE WILL SEE WHO HAS WHAT SOON >>> Its all about to start turning.

Bill Paatalo Has Proof of Chase Bank Treachery
Posted on December 9, 2019 by Neil Garfield

You’ll be hearing a lot more about this on the Radio Show next week with Charles Marshall and Bill Paatalo.

Bill is a private investigator who I compare to a dog with a bone. He never lets go. After years of trying he finally came up with extrinsic proof that the “WAMU” loans claimed to be owned by Chase as a result of the Purchase and Assumption Agreement were neither owned by WAMU nor by Chase as “successor.” Neither the FDIC nor the U.S. Trustee in the WAMU bankruptcy had any control over those loans since they were not in the estate of the entity that went bankrupt or was forced into receivership.

All the documents that were produced by Chase were therefore entirely false, fabricated and fraudulent. Time to write your state legislators and congressional representatives. Until this fraud stops, the economy will continue to hemorrhage money that is badly needed to avoid another recession.


Close examination of Lehman, Aurora, Bear Stearns, Indymac, Wachovia, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Countrywide and others will reveal the exact same thing. All those foreclosures current, past and future are providing profits to brokerage firms or banks that will never be turned over the the investors who funded the origination or acquisition of the loans.

Theft is not capitalism. The Wall Street firms who engineered this scheme were not capitalists. The capitalists were the investors who advanced the money and the borrowers who signed documents and put up their homes as collateral. Capitalism only works in free markets. Free markets means that there are opposing forces. If information is withheld under circumstances that is is virtually impossible to decipher the true nature of a transaction then there can be no opposing market forces and capitalism fails.

All over the word, starting in the late 1990’s, people, institutions and governmental units have been screwed. But they don’t really understand how it was done and therefore their lawyers have not devised a viable real action to pursue remedies for what is in the final analysis, the greatest economic crime in human history. I think the answer might be disgorgement.

It is my opinion that to this day the original investors still do not fully understand that they are probably entitled to disgorgement of trillions of dollars from Wall Street firms that converted investor money to firm money. It is also my opinion that borrowers are entitled to receive some portion of the disgorgement of compensation and profits arising from origination or acquisition of their loans that were never disclosed.


01/01/20 2:03 PM

#604884 RE: AZCowboy #604872


You mentioned in your post:

"There are four Time related WaMu considerations ... all present tense shareholders are not the same;

Number One; ... “WMI” Security Owners ... (Original WMI)

Number Two; ... “WMI Holdings Corp”, Owners ... (Plan 7’s Reorganized WMI 03/2012 to 05/2015)


I am a little confused by the use of the term "time-related". From your list. It is clear that the four numbered events occurred at different points in time.

However, how does this tie to distribution payouts to the four time related groups? For example, are you implying that those in group "Number One" get a distribution payout first, followed by Group Two, etc?

IF that is the case, do you have any input on whether these payouts all happen at the same time, or is there a window of time (a week apart, a month, a quarter?) between when each group gets a payout?

Also, it is implied from your posting, that the payouts should start on Jan 25th, and that they will be managed by "someone" - I presume WMIH or MR COOPER. Are these payouts coming directly from that entity, or via DTCC ?



01/01/20 2:18 PM

#604887 RE: AZCowboy #604872


And So, the Parent Corp., ‘WMIH” Will financially benefit on January 25th, 2020, minus the *Mr Cooper servicing fees, for any of its own Cert Participation, from the now “revised” ABS-Cert distributions ... "

Just a couple of questions. Is Mr Cooper (* was a flag to me lol) servicing all ABS-Certs or are you referring to only the ones they do service. Or even potentially the fees for moving the servicing of some Certs to them as a result of BK closing?

Also, will the 25th just start the returns as of BK closing or include all past returns locked up to BK closing also?

with the start of some financial returns, I expect some corporate event to take place, IMO


01/01/20 3:35 PM

#604906 RE: AZCowboy #604872

"~ ShomiDamoni, The WMI-LT’s RE-Distributions at the 75/25 Ratios Were Merely A Product of Incomplete, Sloppy, and Poorly, Researched Material ~ "

I bet Mike Willingham is glad to hear THAT. He has ONE MILLION Common.

He will be one of the WEALTHIEST people out of this whole BK.

I just find it ODD, that it was so hard to finally get someone to buy enough commons , in order to get on the Equity Committee?
Mike obviously knew a lot more than the HF's!