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12/27/19 8:24 PM

#604113 RE: Tradeinman #604112

Good point, and that holding company is now Class 22. $145 for uq's is still my Price is Right bid, we will just have to wait for Bob Barker's announcement.


12/27/19 8:42 PM

#604115 RE: Tradeinman #604112

Makes sense and,seems logical but why the secrecy? Why no documentation of holding company assets?


12/27/19 9:14 PM

#604119 RE: Tradeinman #604112

My opinion, WAMU being a 100+ year old institution should be worth much more than $10 a share, we will see.


12/27/19 11:55 PM

#604125 RE: Tradeinman #604112

Holding company can have different non-banking subsidiaries.

WMI was more than 100 years old and they have 100s of non-banking subs like A.H.Hamson and co of $10B worth,they acquired.Acd....WM Citation,WMMRP..etc.

A bank can't file for a bankruptcy, it is the holding company that needs to file as far as know.

Due to contract law,some assets can't be sold during ch 11,it could take years as i read,in our case i think thats what happened and at the same time other issues like litigations,claims reconcilation and processing disputed claims like Dime and WMB Nholders false claims in more than $3 Billion.



12/28/19 10:49 AM

#604148 RE: Tradeinman #604112

That's the 64M$$ Question If not the F&(#@$!G Question that's never been answered by anyone from the EC or TAB or our Law Firm - SG and Of Course NOT by FDIC, WMILT etc. -All we were shown were "Highly Redacted" Documents and then of course, we were never presented with an Exhaustive list of PAA - "Purchase & Acquisition Assets" during the whole BK Case....

Now, Supposedly, they(The Assets, that is) may be with the Holding Company, ie., the "Payment for WMB & Assets" -either 'consummated' (according to some) OR NOT YET 'Consummated' (according to others - but this notion is becoming more and more nonsensical now that the BKs are 'Closed')

So, here we are still waiting for the "F&R" and with no answers as to where All those Assets have gone...They better 'Show Up', either in their 'Original Form' OR as 'Payments for them Assets", in the next three months or we have to come to the conclusion that they have been "Brazenly STOLEN from Us, Under the Guise of BK, By JPMC & the Hedgies & PE Firms, Of Course with Active Connivance of the DE BK Court System"...


12/28/19 10:57 AM

#604149 RE: Tradeinman #604112


This is how equity survived. This is why WAMU execs hold Q's.

Yes, the WHOLE BANK!


Why have a holding company?

Can anyone answer that question?

Everyone chime in. Why have a holding company?
If all of your holding company assets are under the umbrella of one subsidiary, the why have a holding company?

Did you know that each airliner for any major airline, is a different company?
When they crash, there are never any lawsuits.


Because all of the assets that could be available in a liability or negligence suit, is gone. Exploded, burnt up. Can’t get blood from a stone.
The “holding company”(airline in this case), is protected from any suit.

Is that why you have a holding company?
To shelter assets from each subsidiary?

Look at large trucking companies. School bus companies. Each vessel is its own company.

So WMI(the holding company), has a $300B subsidiary stolen from them, maybe you have heard part of this story, lol, and all of the holding company assets were pushed into that sub., and none in the holding company?

Sounds like it would be a waste of money and assets to ever have a holding company.

So again, why have a holding company?


12/28/19 2:48 PM

#604192 RE: Tradeinman #604112

Trade, insightful post! Thanks!