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12/12/19 10:20 PM

#271705 RE: TheGreatGreenRush #271697

No there isn't. It's the same mechanism. A perceived threat, whatever the source, stimulates the hypothalamus which stimulates the pituitary, which in turn stimulates the adrenals to release stress hormones cortisol, norepinephrine, and epinephrine which then exerts all sorts of fun things within the body in which we describe as anxiety and fear. Some people are just more defensive for various reasons. I think being overly trustful of a pink stock and pink CEO is a recipe for a lot of potential pain, heartache, depression, and despondency. Trust but verify and then verify some more is my motto. Yield sign is back up with no word from Roger as to why. That to me is not good until its verified to be minor or a positive thing, especially with FUNN's record the last 28 months.