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12/12/19 8:51 PM

#271688 RE: AlleggsoneBasketcase #271680

I've used the tree analogy as well! Its a good one when I see a criticism on FUNN that is once again... FORWARD FACING!

Here is the series over time of criticisms in general for the past few years, put in to a simple metaphor of growing an apple tree.

FUNN needs to plant seeds; no way they can get them in the soil in time for planting season! They should have bought a different backhoe, it could be done in a minute!

FUNN needs to care for the sapling; okay, they planted seeds but no way they can get in protected from all the deer! They should have installed fences 6 months ago, now its too late!

FUNN needs to care for the small tree; okay, they have a sapling, but no way they can keep it protected from bark beetles! They didn't use the right pesticide, there should have been an agreement with the farmer!

FUNN needs to care for the budding fruit; okay, they have fruit coming, but no way they can do it, the birds will eat all the fruit! They don't have the nets shipping from China in time!

FUNN needs to collect the ripe fruit; okay, they ripe fruit now but no way they can do it! They don't have enough buckets, and they already gave away a dozen apples to people who helped them along the way!

FUNN needs to sell the fruit; okay, they got fruit to sell, but no way they can do it! They don't have a stall at the farmers market, they won't make the Black Sudnay Farmers market........

FUNN needs to replant even MORE seeds this year now; okay, they now have more demand than ever and got an entire orchard to plant! But no way they can do it! They didn't line up the seed supply chain and seeds from China take a long time, why didn't they use Italian seeds?

I look forward to the next milestone hit, and the next focused forward statements.