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12/12/19 3:55 PM

#255523 RE: JerryCampbell #255519


This is a very different scenario than what DNDN had before the first advisory panel decision recommendation for approval was made. DNDN had over a 25% legal short position just prior to that time. Now what NWBO has that somewhat balances that is that the biggest jump in share price is typically with Phase 2 validation. Since NWBO skipped Phase 2 they should benefit big time from that as the market becomes aware of any positive news. The price would then quickly climb to where most funds can get in. Just having a halt to trading so the news can be processed should get the premarket price up over NASDAQ's minimum just based on the understanding of a wide based platform. NWBO had data from their ovarian cancer trial that looked promising and with the current understanding about combo applications, the intrinsic value of just L, based just on combo applications from research big pharma has done with their checkpoint inhibitors that indicates a tripled response rate, there is not too much to hold back the price when that is made more public.

I expect offers by big pharma before any good understanding of the potential from the science is made known to Wall Street and the public at large. That's the only way big pharma suitors can possibly hope to gain any chance at a big discount. Any long here that does not understand the longer term value of this platform, which will not initially be understood or be able to be fully extracted in a short time frame even with big pharma offers, has not been paying attention. I believe Linda will sign a development agreement rather than sell outright because of this and I believe Merck wanted to know the potential from a closer look at the science and realistic applications. If they are convinced by what they see I believe the sky is the limit. I don't think they want to be left behind with an outdated checkpoint inhibitor program. Better to be helping meet demand and growing than be put out to pasture and shrinking. Best wishes.