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12/10/19 9:48 PM

#600387 RE: Countyroads #600385

Sorry to admit but I have basically the same view as yours.

No one can tell me that BILLIONS in assets have been so well hidden for 11+ years.

It's just not believable nor plausible that all that cash is just going to reappear out of the blue.

Hope the ones promising riches have great excuses at hand, or the sincerest apologies.


12/10/19 10:01 PM

#600390 RE: Countyroads #600385

lol, keep reading some more then...

This was Chapter 11 not Chapter 7. Debtor only required to disclose enough assets to wash out the dirty liabilities seeking a haircut. Everything above and beyond that, this $300B enterprise called WMIH now trading as COOP, doesnt have to disclose the rest.

Once both Bankruptcies are terminated, then pigs are going to fly.


12/10/19 10:04 PM

#600392 RE: Countyroads #600385

In answer to your theory, I will say this.

When I installed got involved, it was after the BK. I had been following the saga after having some laughs at the office about how WAMU management must have felt when they got off the plane and found out the bank had been seized.

Later I looked in on things. WAMU was trading at $0.06. Quite a discount. The thing I noticed, however was the number of big players fighting over the bones. I remember thinking that there were too many buzzards circling for there not to be some meat left on the bones. At six cents, it was a risk I could stand.

So I bought some. Then I started paying attention. FDIC was fighting ‘tooth and nail’ to pierce the corporate veil. This was another indication that there was ‘meat on the bones’. So I sold some other holdings and bought more.

Then I watched the court squelch the attempts to announce what was behind the curtain. So I scraped all I could together and bought more. At this point I was pretty much all in. My entire savings were invested. Not a prudent move, but I was convinced! I still am!

Then I watched the PORs evolve and during the POR6 era (I think) I sold half of my commons and reinvested in Ps and Ks. It was a hedge against another ‘K-Mart happening.

I believe there is money.

I also believe someone is still trying to steal it.

I also believe that Killenger et. Al. Saw this coming and prepared for it.


12/10/19 10:05 PM

#600393 RE: Countyroads #600385

"Any hope for significant recovery is coming from the COOP shares we already have.....lets hope it takes off once the BK is officially closed......of course I hope I'm wrong. again, all IMO."

"lets hope it takes off once the BK is officially closed....."

If this is all there is, WHY would COOP 'suddenly' take off??