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12/09/19 8:28 PM

#270714 RE: rushmann #270708

All we want to know is what happened to the shares, why NSI is no longer part of FUNN, and did FUNN make money on the deal or lose a shirt? Basic stuff.

NSI only cost 750,00 shares and probably some cash to bankroll operations. So probably not a lot. But it still warrants some official follow up. Start practicing dotting the i's for when its actually a requirement to do so.


12/09/19 10:34 PM

#270730 RE: rushmann #270708

Does anyone really want bread with a 30 day shelf life? No thank you.


12/09/19 11:20 PM

#270735 RE: rushmann #270708

NSI is a Beverage and Snakes and Lattes are a Cafe.

Roger finally figured out that the selling of Liquids does not have anything to do with promoting Snakes and Lattes.

Roger needed the Trucks for expanding inter-Loc Kings and for Game Board Deliveries from the Warehouses......go figure?