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12/08/19 11:37 PM

#59143 RE: thehumanchessmachine #59138

Yes, please spread the words...


12/09/19 1:26 AM

#59144 RE: thehumanchessmachine #59138

(LINK) FDA research is flawed damage only occurs when CBD is taken in mass doses that's the way it was tested. Also taken in regular doses CBD is no more harmful than a cup of coffee.. Quote from the Article: When the FDA calls out liver injury and male reproductive toxicity risks of consumption, it fails to note that these risks only appear at dose concentrations equivalent to 1,400-3,500 milligrams of CBD,” Singer said, pointing out that the average labeled CBD serving size in many sold supplements is around 20 milligrams. “That’s like saying ‘drinking coffee is dangerous,’ when the data actually indicate drinking 70 cups of coffee is dangerous. As ever, the dose makes the poison...