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11/28/19 3:40 PM

#268506 RE: Smith Sam #268494

No, the 2018 audit was due in November 2018, and was promised by Rogeranske for "VERY early in the New Year (2019)". It was delivered way more than 6 months later - in fact 12 months and a week later.

The 2019 annual has NOTT been audited as was promised by Rogertappan since JULY.

Tuscon was supposed to open for the incoming Fall semester (2019). It won't even be open for the start of Spring semester 2020, and very, very unlikely to be open by Spring Break - far more than 6 months late.

And as for KTU production and deliveries - due August 2018, still nott in WalMart 17 months later. KickmeStarters were delayed for YEARS.

Gro3 installations ... many POs, ZERO installations paid for - also way over a year or more since POs announced (and hay, where that 10 acre California grow site??). That was touted in summer 2017 on the kooky 'radio show' podcast of that now-defunct 'show'.

So AMFE/FUNN is nott capable of doing anything in six months. Well, with a few exceptions, like LOSING MUNNY, issuing new deeply discounted shares, selling CONvertible debt notes at less than 50 percent of market price for share CONversions (most recently for $0.02 a share - TWO CENTS a share!), and Tweets - Rogerlapinski can squeeze~OUTT those tweets as long as shareholder-victims press down hard on his tummy.