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11/27/19 12:59 PM

#230575 RE: sts66 #230570

Daily or weekly short data should not be relied on. Best data is more than two wks in arrears and posted on Nasdaq. All other short data info should not be relied on. MM's short and cover all day long.


11/27/19 1:44 PM

#230589 RE: sts66 #230570

I totaled up the daily short volume from REG SHO daily report.

I won't know how many short positions were covered until the final short number comes out in december (for the end of november period).

This 17.4 million new short is not a concern for this time period - IMO, this is lower than what we have seen historically with AMRN and when the final short data comes in december, I expect the overall short position to have gone down due to more covering.


11/27/19 1:50 PM

#230591 RE: sts66 #230570

I strongly suspect there was considerable short covering on Friday, November 15 which is not reflected in the current short interest report, for which the effective date was November 13. November 15th was the settlement date for trades of November 13th.


11/27/19 3:32 PM

#230620 RE: sts66 #230570

Scroll down...shows SI as of 11/15/2019

KG ;)