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11/24/19 10:06 PM

#253174 RE: iwasadiver #253173

Well said, i agree.


11/24/19 11:03 PM

#253176 RE: iwasadiver #253173

Again, I disagree. And there is no contradiction. Indeed, LP/LG have proven experience in M&A, etc. and have been doing this for years. LP was a principal in Toucan. Fact: they have experience in this discipline.

However, the fact that they have experience therein and certainly arguably, more than Ms Keil, does not mean that LP/LG are ipso facto good managers or that every hire they make reflects good hiring judgement. Some individuals are good lawyers, others, good consultants, etc. but that by no means does this infer that they are enlightened operating business managers or that they have sufficient HR abilities wrt hiring appropriate personnel. So no, logically, there is no contradiction in what I am asserting as far as I can see.

I have spoken with DI a number of times and my impression of him differs measurably from yours. I don't find him particularly astute or knowledgeable. IMHO, I don't see that he has provided any extra dimension other than being essentially a mouth piece for LG. Has IR been measurably improved? Are we better off than we were before his hire with LG? I think not. LG was very responsive and I have had a long and generally amicable relationship with him. He tended to lecture rather than listen and when push came to shove, blamed most of NWBO troubles upon the nefarious shorts. But I place him way above DI who, frankly, I think to be a light weight from the back woods of Oppy. Not even a VP but a senior director somewhere in Richmond, Virginia. Certainly not someone who was in the higher management ranks of Oppy and a WS mover and shaker. As far as I can tell, I have seen no difference after his hire, just added cashflow outflow and stock dilution. Sure, you can argue that he is working behind the scenes and these "secret"activities will bear fruit---just wait and see. Just like Cofer Black. And how about the erstwhile Jerry Jasinowski, board member? At the ASM he trumpeted that in 3~4 months news would be coming out such that the SP would rise permitting better financing. And here we are, almost another year and approaching another ASM which may likely result in another stay tuned admonition.

And even more troubling is that Ms Keil appears to have been working for NWBO for at least 2 years according to a DI conversation with an iHub message board member. Is she just like Cofer Black? Just wait, big things are happening behind the scenes LOL. Have never seen her listed as one of the employees of NWBO before the recent notice. Hmmmmmmmm.

Look, I have not followed this company as long as you have and I am committed and have a large holding. I participated as an accredited investor in some of their offerings on which LG approached me. But puleeeeze, this constant defence of management is getting old and Polly-Anna-ish.

I have reserved final judgement on management but the DI/Keil hires don't give me much comfort. Dr. Duffy is another story and while far from perfect, NWBO managemnent can get some hires right. JMHO.


11/24/19 11:31 PM

#253180 RE: iwasadiver #253173

you wrote:

David Innes is an experienced guy, and if you’ve ever taken the time to speak with him you’d see that he’s very informed and astute. He’s doing things behind the scenes, and the fruits of which will become apparent in the near future.

LIKE> Sounds good to me!