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11/24/19 4:28 PM

#2538 RE: JoseCabo #2537

Depending on politicians and media to be concise LOl we cant do.
However our representing Senador has stood behind this president and helped him get elected whatever that translates to this IDK. Too much google translator for one day. Let us hope that we were not part of the corruption on this one.

"El pasado 27 de agosto de 2018, el reportero David Rodríguez Silva, redactó para el portal digital “Lineaencontraste” que “el líder estatal de MORENA, Joel Molina Ramírez, confirmó que el 30 de noviembre dejará el cargo para sumarse al equipo de trabajo del presidente electo de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador."

"On August 27, 2018, reporter David Rodríguez Silva, drafted for the digital portal "Lineaencontraste" that "the state leader of MORENA, Joel Molina Ramírez, confirmed that on November 30 he will leave the position to join the team of the president elected from Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador."